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All Interference Such as Sickness or Persecution Should Be Handled with the Same Righteous Mindset

August 31, 2008 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) As we practitioners know, practitioners do not get "sick." Why? Teacher has cleansed all the roots of the bad elements from our bodies, both mentally and physically. So, why do some practitioners still die from everyday types of sickness?

Being a Falun Dafa practitioner does not mean there is no physical discomfort while cultivating. When encountering physical pain, the results are determined by the attitude we take. If we consider it a good thing, our xinxing rises and karma is reduced. If we look within ourselves with righteous thoughts, we will take great leaps forward. However, if we think of the physical discomforts with human notions, then even life-threatening human sickness can follow. What an enormous difference between a God's thought and that of a human!

In view of this, we know that Teacher did not arrange the persecution, and it should not have occurred. So why has the persecution happened?

In regard to cultivation, the persecution is only due to interference and tribulations. How we deal with the interference and tribulations determines the end result: If we look at it as a way to raise our xinxing, we must disintegrate the evil right a way when it comes--doing well each of the three things. Then, what seemed to be unfolding due to interference and persecution did not happen. On the other hand, if we use human notions and thinking when confronting interference and tribulations, "Persecution is here...we have to hide away for a little while...we won't be able to make truth clarification materials, and we have to stop doing truth clarification at least for now," then we really invite persecution. The old forces can only persecute humans, not Gods. As practitioners, to think of tribulations with human thoughts is equal to inviting them.

Reflecting on the road of cultivation I have been on, it really has been like that. In 2000, when I was doing things to validate the Fa, I kept thinking: "How would I deal with the police if I was arrested, and how would I do if I was sent to a forced labor camp?" It became a reality, and I was persecuted: a three-year prison sentence was the result of a human attachment.

Using the Olympics as an excuse, the Chinese Communist regime (CCP) has been further persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners--calling it "guarding against dangerous persons" and holding "Learning" [brainwashing] classes. The CCP's plots and arrangements were quite intricate. However, we knew how to eliminate the arrangements by getting rid of attachments, looking within ourselves, doing well the three things and catching up diligently.

Through sharing and discussion, fellow practitioners now understand how to overcome interference and tribulations with the same attitude in which we handle sickness karma. Thus, nothing new has happened, but the interference has come in different forms targeting our various attachments and loopholes.

We do not acknowledge the old forces: There is no persecution in the course of our cultivation, since Teacher did not arrange such a thing. All interference, tribulations, and persecution should be dealt with by using righteous thoughts! Cherish everything we come across, because chances are that good opportunities will be hard to come by!