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Letting Go Of My Attachment to "Things"

August 25, 2008 |   By Practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) I have been using a desk-top computer and it is not convenient for me to keep taking it out. So I wanted to buy a laptop. But I am not so rich, so I told myself that if I sold the computer that I'm using now, I might have enough money to buy a laptop. But then I realized that I had used this computer to produce truth clarification materials for many years and the computer had become my instrument to validate the Fa. How could I think of selling it? I was reluctant to do it. I told a fellow practitioner about this, and he said, "You have a sentimental attachment to things."

What he said awakened me. I searched inside and found that I really had an attachment of qing (or sentimentality) to the computer, which included some selfish factors as well. The basic reason for my not wanting to buy a laptop was that I had used this computer to produce truth clarification materials for such a long time and it had become my Fa instrument. I had developed sentimentality about it and didn't want to let it go. Then I realized that I even paid special attention to my MP3 that plays Dafa music for me, the small nipper that I used to correct words of Dafa books, and the bag in which I put my Dafa books. When I decided to buy them, I told myself that I must choose pretty ones as in the future all those things would became my Fa instruments as I succeeded in cultivation. This is actually my attachment to things. There is no difference between this attachment and other attachments, such as to having supernatural powers. On the other hand, the computer we use to produce truth clarification materials can only become a Fa instrument in other dimensions.

This is my individual opinion; please point out any mistakes.

August 11, 2008