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Mainland Chinese Eager to See New Tang Dynasty Television Again

July 04, 2008 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Yesterday, several people said to me, "It's been a few days that we haven't been able to watch New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV). It seems like we're missing something." Then they asked me if there was another way to watch it.

Mainland Chinese who are able to see NTDTV programs really enjoy them and often praise the station by telling others, "NTDTV has reported such and such in its programs; it's all inclusive, very rich and diversified. It has reliable news and the news anchors have an elegant and serene demeanor. It seems very strange not being able to watch NTDTV for several days now. I hope NTDTV will broadcast again soon!"

Many people also say, "NTDTV is amazing! They've got guts to report the facts; they are a role model!"

Those who know about the interruption of NTDTV broadcasting to mainland China have said, "We support you forever! Resume your broadcast in China!"

Over the past two years in China, several practitioners have been arrested and tortured because they helped install satellite receivers for their families, relatives, or friends. This tells us that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is afraid of NTDTV, a station that is not afraid to expose the truth about the CCP or the human rights abuses in China.

June 23, 2008