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San Francisco, California: Rally and March Held In Support of 40 Million Chinese Quitting the CCP (Photos)

July 17, 2008 |   By Kerry Huang and Ying Wang in San Francisco

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 13, 2008, people from all walks of life gathered in San Francisco's Chinatown for a rally and march, showing their support for the 40 million people who have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Speakers at the rally pointed out that the CCP has never stopped its persecution of Chinese people and quitting the CCP is the most peaceful and efficient way to end the persecution.

The Falun Gong Divine Land Marching Band supporting 40 million Chinese quitting the CCP

The march passes through Chinatown in San Francisco

The march passes through Chinatown in San Francisco

The march passed Chinatown in San Francisco

The march passes through Chinatown in San Francisco

The march passes through Chinatown in San Francisco

The march passes through Chinatown in San Francisco

The Falun Gong Divine Land Marching Band supporting 40 million Chinese quitting the CCP

Abraham, an engineer in the Bay Area, speaks at the rally

Mr. Yu, a former professor in China, speaks at the rally

Students from Minghui School performing

Students from Minghui School performing



Spectators trying to learn the facts about the persecution

The weather in San Francisco on July 13 was lovely. The Western US Divine Land Marching Band with over 100 members, all Falun Gong practitioners, came to show their support. At noon, the march with music and powerful drumbeats went through the busy shopping center of downtown San Francisco to Chinatown and to its final destination, Portsmouth Square. Students from the Minghui School sang and danced on the Square and attracted passersby.

There was a photo exhibition at the Square. Pictures of Falun Gong practitioners who suffered from CCP's brutal tortures were shocking to spectators. Joost Van Buul and four of his friends were visiting San Francisco from Europe. Joost commented that this inhumane persecution should end immediately. He also said that the CCP had no reason to persecute Falun Gong practitioners because freedom of belief is a basic human right. All five of them signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution.

Quitting the CCP is a peaceful way to end the persecution

Abraham, a western Falun Gong practitioner and director of the Divine Land Marching Band, said the CCP had been spreading negative rumors and lies to the world to defame Falun Gong in order to continue the persecution for the past nine years. He told the reporter that Falun Gong practitioners have consistently tried to tell people of the world the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution. Falun Gong has gained support internationally; however, the persecution still continues in China.

Abraham believed that the CCP wouldn't stop the persecution spontaneously. As long as the CCP exists, the persecution will continue. Supporting Chinese people to quit the CCP is a way to stop the CCP's persecution.

Many people from the Bay Area spoke at the rally and pointed out how the CCP is the root of disasters for the Chinese people, how it has caused the death of 80 million people in times of peace, and how it destroyed the ancient, traditional Chinese culture.

The speakers also talked about how the CCP has persecuted over 100 million Falun Gong practitioners and how it built all the shoddily constructed school buildings in Sichuan, concealed the forecast of the earthquake in Sichuan, purposely delayed the rescue effort in the first 72 hours, and caused the deaths of over ten thousand students.

Wang Feng, a manager of a high tech company in Silicon Valley, said quitting the CCP is the most peaceful way in history to stop tyranny. The book Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party completely exposed the CCP's evilness and only quitting the CCP can help rebuild the nation.

Quitting the CCP is being responsible to one's conscience and life

Mr. Yu used to be a professor in China and had suffered imprisonment and persecution in many CCP's movements. He said Falun Gong practitioners' promoting the Nine Commentaries is telling the truth and saving people. He believed the Chinese people need to know the truth.

Yi Fan, host of Sound of Hope Radio Network, said quitting the CCP can relieve one's mind from the CCP's ideological control. She did not regret it and believed she was being responsible to her conscience and life. She said, "Today, 40 million Chinese people have awakened and quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. This is worth remembering and celebrating."