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Maximally Conforming to Everyday Society

June 05, 2008 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) During the past several years, I have been trying to clarify the truth to save sentient beings. The outcome wasn't as good as I expected because people around me misunderstood me. They believed I would have done better in my career if I hadn't practiced Dafa. An article on Clearwisdom, "Validating the Fa from the Aspect of Finances," (http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2008/3/15/95356.html) inspired me. I had always thought that wanting to dress up was an attachment to beauty, wanting to decorate the house was an attachment to the human world, wanting to be a supervisor at work was an attachment to fame, and wanting to make money was an attachment to personal gain.

I was previously a very capable technician at work. My supervisor recommended me for promotion many times. I thought to myself, "It's so much trouble to be a supervisor. All of the meetings will take up my time to practice. Someone I know wants this position. If it belonged to him, and I took it, I'd have lost my virtue. I want my virtue to become gong, not a promotion." I came to realize that this was a very selfish thought and that I, in fact, was intended to arrange my own cultivation path.

In Zhuan Falun, Teacher said,

"Usually, a great enlightened person does not casually interfere with the principles of everyday people. The higher a great enlightened person's level is, the less he or she would bother to interfere with the principles of everyday people, not even a bit."

He also taught us in "Teaching the Fa at the Fa Conference at the U.S. Capital:"

"I said long ago that the cultivation Dafa disciples do takes the format of cultivation that conforms to ordinary human society to the maximum extent; one cultivates while conforming to the way of ordinary people to the maximum extent."

What I did wasn't conforming to ordinary society. I became different after I started the practice and people looked at me strangely. Non-practitioners believed that what I did was a requirement of the practice and unknowingly were turned off. My sister-in-law, who loved dressing up, told me, "Dafa is good, but it is too much suffering. I can't do anything." I knew I had created a problem. I redecorated my house and bought many necessary small appliances. My upstairs neighbor was surprised, "So practitioners of Falun Gong can also live normal lives!"

Indeed, we came here to validate the Fa and not live an ordinary life. But everything we do involves saving sentient beings. Teacher told us in "Teaching the Fa at the U.S. Capital:"

"The focus for you right now is simply to find ways to do better, to be more efficient, to have a greater impact, and to save more people."

Everything in the world can be used to attain this goal. Imagine if someone listened to us clarifying the truth of Dafa because of our social status or our income and then agreed with Dafa, wouldn't that be great? Of course we shouldn't have the attachment to personal gain in the first place. Besides, we can use the extra money we earn to buy more hardware to better clarify the truth. Effective ways to validate the Fa include senior practitioners having good health, younger practitioners having good social status and income, and little practitioners doing well in school.