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CCP Personnel in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province Arrest and Torture Ten Practitioners

June 12, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 2008, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel illegally ransacked the homes of all Falun Gong practitioners in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. They stole practitioner's DVD players, money, computers, and Dafa books, etc. Party director He Wujin, assistant directors Tang Mou, Jiang Mou, and Zhou Hong, and others, tortured Dafa practitioners to force them to state where the materials production site was located.

Dafa practitioner Yu Zhenyu has been tortured by policemen for several days.

Dong Guo's left arm has been broken due to the torture.

On April 11, practitioner Mr. Zhang Hejun had already been detained and persecuted by the CCP for a year. He was arrested again at Hengyang and was taken back to Zhuzhou City. The party members hung him by his wrists and poured pepper juice on him. Mr. Zhang is now deaf in his right ear, his right hand is numb, and his right foot is fractured. The police officers also threatened to beat him to the point of mental collapse.

Dafa practitioner Hu Meng has been seriously injured at a detention center.

Tang Hao has been illegally sent to a labor camp then transferred to Tisheng.

Practitioner Dong Xinhua was also arrested by CCP personnel. Currently, the Dafa practitioners who are being illegally detained at the Second Detention Center at Zhuzhou include (males) Dong Guo, Tang Hao, and Hu Meng, and (females) Yu Zhenyu, Liu Guihua, Bai Ying, and Zhang Hejun.

Dafa practitioners being detained at the First Detention Center at Zhuzhou include (males) Wen Jian, and Liu Qingliang, and (females) Li Zongrui, Liu Chunqin, and Yu Yingzhu. They have been sentenced to one year of forced labor.

Zhuzhou City's second detention center:

Discipline branch: 86-733-863319 Office: 86-733-8683320
Zhuzhou City first detention center: 86-733-8683301, 86-733-8683303

June 2, 2008