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Truly Believe in Teacher and the Fa; Miracles Come from Righteous Thoughts

May 16, 2008 |   By practitioner from Shandong province

(Clearwisdom.net) At 9:00 p.m. on Mar 3, 2008, I went to use the toilet. When I was about to stand up, I felt that my left leg had lost all feeling. Leaning against the wall, I called my wife. She told me to ask help from Teacher. I then said: Teacher, help me! Falun Dafa is good! Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good! I repeatedly said these sentences with my hands resting on my wife's shoulders.

I tried to walk to my room, but I collapsed to the floor. Meanwhile I vomited so severely that all of the food in my stomach came out. These symptoms are similar to those of a stroke among non-practitioners. The left side of my body lost feeling. My whole body felt as if it were dead except that my mind was clear. I still asked help from Teacher. At that moment, my wife and I both thought of calling fellow practitioners, and not of calling my daughter and son-in-law. We are practitioners and this was a test of life and death. Soon three practitioners came to my home. After seeing me, the male practitioner asked me, "Lao Chen, how do you feel?" I said, "It is the hardship Teacher mentioned in the book Zhuan Falun. But it is slightly more serious. I should be OK. It is the test of life and death for me because I did not study the Fa diligently." Three practitioners and my wife tried to move me to bed but they failed. The male practitioner told them to stop. He grabbed me on my left arm, which did not have any feeling, and told me, "Lao Chen, get up."

I then got up without any help. If I were an ordinary person, I would have not been able to stand. The male practitioner told me, "Lao Chen, go to your bed and rest." I then moved to my bed step by step (it was about a distance of four meters). Practitioners helped to move my arms and legs to my bed. I thought to myself later: on the surface, my symptoms are similar to a stroke (partially paralyzed), how could I stand up? I then walked to my bed without any help. Isn't it a miracle of Dafa? Teacher is watching over me and giving me a second life.

The next day it was my turn to do Dafa work. I needed to get out! At that moment, a vision of a bright path appeared in front of me. However, I had one thought of fearing that I may fall down. Everything then disappeared. It was caused by my lack of righteous thoughts. Teacher said, "We'd say that a good or bad outcome comes from one thought. The difference in one thought leads to different results." (Zhuan Falun) I then sat up but did not get out of bed. In the morning of the third day, I could walk around in my yard. I realized that it was because Teacher watched over me that I could recover this quickly. If a non-practitioner had a stroke, he would have not been able to get up within three months, let alone three days.

At around 2:00 a.m. on the forth day, it was the time for practicing the exercises globally. I was awakened by a loud ring. Meanwhile a vision of a golden DVD of "Teacher's Fa lecture in Guangzhou" appeared in front of me. I woke up my wife and discussed it with her. I looked within and tried to improve my xinxing. In the past I did not do the exercises too often. This was not so good. We then started practicing the exercises.

Since then I kept practicing the five sets of exercises every day. On the seventh day I could walk around without help. On the fifteenth day, I could walk with a bike and had a haircut in the busy area that was two miles away. I also could clarify the truth according to my physical condition and ask senior practitioners to return to the Fa study and exercises. Three weeks later, I could ride a bike and clarify the truth together with fellow practitioners in areas over ten miles away.

I followed Teacher's words. A true cultivator does not have diseases. Instead they are interferences and tests. Without going to the hospital or seeking medical treatment, I was fully recovered on Apr 5, 2008. It only took one month.

If I had not believed in Teacher and the Fa and had no righteous thoughts, I cannot imagine the outcome.

Through this incident, I understand that Dafa practitioners are a whole body. They came to me and told me to firmly believe in Teacher and Dafa, enhanced my righteous thoughts that it was not a disease but a tribulation and test. We have Teacher watching over us and should not fear anything. Miracles will happen with our determination.

Here I would like to thank our compassionate Teacher for giving me a second life. I will firmly cultivate in Dafa and grasp every opportunity to study the Fa, practice the exercises, do the three things well and return to my origin with Teacher. I also want to thank all the practitioners who cared for me.

The above is my personal experience. Please point out anything inappropriate.