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Large Number of Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Guangzhou City on April 15, 2008

May 16, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) According to recent information, more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners from Guangzhou, Guangdong Province were arrested on April 15, 2008. Details are as follows:

1. More than ten practitioners arrested in the Haizhu District, Guangzhou

On the morning of April 15, practitioners Yang Haidong, Li Wei, Yang Yan and Fan Zhaofu, from Yijingcuiyuan, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, were illegally arrested. Zen Haoyi's home was searched, in violation of the Chinese Constitution.

Around 9:00 a.m., the practitioner couple Shen Yi and Lin Bo, who live at No. 50 Qianjin Road in the Haizhu District, and Liu Jianguo (originally from Heze, Shandong Province) who lives at No. 48, were arrested. Participating in the arrest were personnel from the 610 Office in Guangzhou City, agents from the National Security Bureau, from the Haizhu District 610 Office, from the Haizhu District Police Department, and from the Jiangnanzhong Street Police Station and Residential Street Committee. More than 20 policemen searched the building and could not find any evidence to use against the practitioners. Because there were many people watching, the police pretended they found drugs while searching Shen Yi's home. Shen Yi was incarcerated in the Nanzhou Detention Center that night. Lin Bo went home that same night. No one knows Liu Jianguo's whereabouts. No one has had contact with Lin Bo since April 17.

An unknown number of practitioners who work in the Songyuan Building, the Haizhu District, Guangzhou were also arrested.

2. Five practitioners from Liwan District, Guangzhou arrested

At 6:00 a.m., persecutors from the 610 Office and from a local police station took practitioners Huang Zihui and his wife Chen Jie from the Liwan District to the police station and searched their home. Chen Jie was released that same night to take care of her son. Huang Zihui was sent to the Chatou brainwashing center.

At 7:00 a.m., the practitioner sisters Gao Suming and Gao Qianming from the Liwan District were arrested and their home searched, leaving a 70-year-old father alone at home.

Likewise arrested was practitioner Jiang Meiyuan from the Liwan District.

3. Six practitioners from the Yuexiu District were arrested

At 6:00 a.m., 610 Office agents compelled practitioner Lai Huibing to go home from work and they searched his home. He was arrested, and his family does not know his whereabouts.

Practitioner Jiang Liru from the Yuexiu District was arrested. She is still missing.

Practitioner Liu Huifeng and Cai Yuzhen from Dongshan District were arrested.

At 7:00 a.m., practitioner He Jinzhong, employed by the Pingan Insurance Company Yuexiu Branch, went to work and was arrested by police waiting for him at the company.

At 7:30 a.m., a group of persecutors from the Political and Legal Committee in the Yuexiu District, personnel from the 610 Office and the local police department went to practitioner Cai Yuzhen's home. They confiscated a computer, printer, an MP3 player and other personal belongings. The 75-year-old Cai Yuzhen immediately experienced symptoms of high blood pressure and was hospitalized for four days. Her children were forced to write a "guaranteed statement" and provide copies of their identification cards. They then had to send their mother to the home of a daughter who lives in another city.

This was only one of the persecution events that were due to the "Olympic Torch" coming to Guangzhou, and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Zhou Yongkang and Zhang Dejiang arriving to oversee the event.

The CCP continues to violate human rights, suppress beliefs and play politics around the "Olympics." The CCP is the major culprit for causing social instability.

In addition, practitioner Huang Fanghua from Yuexiu Distrct disappeared on April 17.

4. Four practitioners from the Tianhe District were arrested

A group of agents from Tianhe District Police Department the arrested the practitioner couple Chen Yongtao and Zou Danyu and confiscated valuables from their home. The next day, agents from the Tianhe District Police Department, from the Nonferrous Metal Institute and personnel from the Residential Committee searched Zou Danyu's parents' home and confiscated their computer and other personal belongings. The couple's whereabouts are unknown.

Practitioner Zhao Ping and Wang Ying from the Tianhe District were arrested and are being held in the Tianhe Detention Center.

5. Practitioner Jiang Shaofeng who works for the Guangzhou Public Road Bureau was arrested and his home searched.

6. Arrest of several practitioners in Guangzhou

Several practitioners in Guangzhou were arrested and their homes were searched, including practitioner Liang Xian and Luo Lijuan; Anzai from Guangzhou; Miss Jiang and Aling are missing. Also, Mr. Ouyang Xiaoming who works for Guangzhou Nonferrous Metal Institute and Ms. Wang Ying who works for Guangzhou Branch of the Chinese Academy of Science were arrested.

According to inside sources, the September 23, 2007 arrest incident of 22 practitioners and the April 15, 2008 arrest of more than 30 practitioners are directly related to CCP spy Yi Tengfei (also called Yi Siheng, Yi Zheng or Xiao Yi, and other aliases). His actions were mentioned in an experience sharing article published on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website. The article was written by a practitioner from Chongqing and entitled, "Sharing with Chongqing Practitioners Based on Master's Two New Lectures."

Yi Tengfei has been in Guangzhou for a long time and has been extremely active. His behavior has been identical to that described in the practitioner's sharing article. There are still people in Guangzhou trying to defend him.

The lesson is serious. The loss is huge.

Organizations and individuals responsible for the persecution:

The Guangdong Province 610 Office system

Zhang Shengqing: Guangdong Province Party Committee 610 Office head , secretary of the Political and Legal Committee for Guangdong Province. He is the main responsible person in the Guangdong Province Party Committee for carrying out the persecution in Guangdong. He is listed as one of the main perpetrators of the persecution by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). Address: The Political and Legal Committee of Guangdong Province: Hequnsan Road, 510080, Tel: 86-20-87185300

Lu Xiao: Guangdong Province 610 Office deputy head. He is listed as one of the main perpetrators by the WOIPFG. Address: The Guangdong Province CCP Committee: Hequner Road, 510080, Tel: 86-20-87186666

Liang Chushi: Guangdong Province CCP Committee deputy 610 Office head. He is responsible for CCP Working Committee of the province-owned organizations. He is listed as one of the main perpetrators by the WOIPFG. Address: Guangdong Province CCP Committee: Hequner Road, 510080, Tel: 86-20-87186666

Guo Tieying: Guangdong Province 610 Office deputy head, Political Commissioner and deputy head of the police department's National Security Bureau for Guangdong Province. Address: Building 10, #74, Zhusigang, Guangzhou.

Li Qongyang, 610 Office head for all organizations Directly under the Province Party Committee. He lives at #112, Tianyi Square, East Guanzhuang Road, Tianhe District, 86-13902237307(Cell), 86-20-38866148(Home)

Guangzhou Chatou Brainwashing Center (Guang Zhou City Legal Educational School): 86-20-81730867, Principal: Pan Jinhua (male) 86-20-81730648