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Sentient Beings Are Waiting for the Fa

April 08, 2008 |   By a practitioner in Hebei Province, China


I continued to clarify the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong to my parents, but they didn't accept what I told them for a long time. One day, I went to visit and took them a VCD entitled We Tell the Future. My mom surprised me. She had been coughing for days. She looked at me seriously and asked, "Can Falun Gong cure my cough?" I told her, "So many Falun Gong practitioners had many different serious diseases and the diseases disappeared after they began to practice Falun Gong. Tomorrow, I will help you watch Teacher's lectures." The next day I set up the VCD player so that my parents could watch Teacher's lectures. I went to the yard to wash their clothes as they watched the lectures. They didn't move for a whole hour. I heard my mom telling my dad, "This is all about how to improve xinxing. It can only be called cultivation when someone constantly improves himself." After they watched the first lecture, my father carefully put the VCD into a drawer. They reassured me that they would watch the other lectures over the next week or so.

On my way home, I was truly moved. Teacher is in such a hurry to save sentient beings and sentient beings are waiting to attain the Fa. Only when our mind is righteous can we help them. Recently, six of my relatives, friends, and colleagues started to study Falun Dafa, or have expressed a willingness to learn more about it. Some of them asked me to lend them Zhuan Falun. Some of them took up the practice. Sentient beings are waiting for the Fa, so our minds have to catch up with the Fa-rectification process.

Thinking about all of this, I came to the following understandings:

1. We have to cultivate ourselves well and demonstrate the beauty of Dafa as Falun Dafa practitioners. This is the best way to help people around us to attain the Fa. One of my colleagues told me, "I believe you, so I believe Falun Dafa is good."

2. In order to clarify the facts, we have to totally give up selfishness. When we always try to follow our own plan to clarify the facts, but do not care about people's feelings, the result is normally not very good. When we really take others' well-being into consideration, people will understand the facts. When I went back to my hometown, I had a plan on how to clarify the facts to my parents, but when I found my mom still coughing and, even worse, with a cold, I gave up my original plan, and rather just tried to take care of her. The result was the story I shared with you at the beginning.

3. Keep faith that Dafa will clear away all doubts. When we clarify the facts, it is better to quote Teacher's lectures instead of using our own words. When people are ready, we can read Zhuan Falun to them or lend them a copy. Two of my relatives read Zhuan Falun. They began to practice soon afterwards.

4. We should not treat people and things with an ordinary mentality. I have a co-worker that people always make fun of. But we have a good relationship. One day, he suddenly asked me, "Could you find a copy of Zhuan Falun for me?" When I took the book to him, he was excited and was respectful to the book. He immediately understood that he should not make any marks in the book, showing me that his knowing side had been waiting for this opportunity.