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Break through Divisions among Practitioners Caused by Evil Interference

April 02, 2008 |   By a practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) There have been conflicts and division among fellow practitioners in my area for the past several years. This has caused internal friction, prevented us from forming an indestructible body and has stopped us from doing the three things well. As a result, we are unable to keep up with the progress of Fa-rectification.

The specific manifestations of the division among fellow practitioners were: When some practitioners did not agree with the coordinators, they did not talk about it with the coordinators directly, but instead they complained to other practitioners and even coordinators of other areas. In the end the problems became worse.

Such incidents have been occurring consistently for the past few years, especially with coordinators. We got stuck in conflicts while trying to solve conflicts. As a result, a lot of precious time that should have spent on saving sentient beings was taken away by this interference of the old forces.

In my opinion, there were old-force factors and rotten demons behind all of those things; their purpose is to get us stuck in conflicts to the point of being unable to step back from them. The more practitioners get involved in the conflict, the wider the scope and the happier the old forces are. This effectively prevents us from being unable to focus on doing the three things well. Most of the practitioners involved were coordinators and they usually were responsible for multiple projects. As they spend a lot of time solving problems, they do not set aside enough time for Fa study and lose the focus on saving sentient beings. They are then being driven by the old forces.

Why did we have such interference? Of course they are ultimately our own problems. Practitioners have attachments that they should get rid of. The old force factors magnified these attachments, especially the most serious ones: jealousy, the competitive mentality, the attachment to validating oneself and blaming/judging others, etc. Some practitioners have an attachment to suspicion, and the evil magnified it to cause the practitioners' imaginations to run wild, suspect others, and be unable to honestly express themselves in group discussions. The old forces take advantage of such attachments to create conflicts and division. Other practitioners usually cannot see through the old forces' tricks to the real factors behind them. It is then easy to think badly of a given fellow practitioner, but in fact a human notion was being magnified by the old forces and the fellow practitioner was driven by an attachment. We should be clear that fellow practitioner's intentions are good and it is the human notions that are bad and part of postnatal concepts. It is the old forces, not the fellow practitioner, that is creating trouble.

So we should deny the old forces' arrangements. As the evil beings are most scared of being exposed; let us then open our hearts and let fellow practitioners know what's on our minds. We need to first look inside and see what attachments the old forces have exploited in us. The old forces are not scared of our conflicts; let us not be fooled again. When we run into problems, we should find the attachment and get rid of it, and then we should focus on sending forth strong righteous thoughts and eliminate the real culprits altogether: The old forces' interfering factors, rotten demons, and Communist specter. We should be of one mind in this regard, eliminate any interference, make good use of our time, stick to the theme of saving sentient beings and do well the three things to fulfill our prehistoric oaths.

As my level is limited, please point out anything inappropriate.

Written on March 10, 2008