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My Understanding on the Power of Selflessness

April 11, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Trying to memorize Zhuan Falun today, I suddenly understood a key point. I believe that many fellow practitioners enlightened to this point a long time ago, but today I truly came to understand it from my heart.

Master is rectifying the Fa, is creating the new universe, and we should assimilate to the Fa unconditionally. The new universe requires all beings to be selfless, so we must be selfless.

Once we have that as our base, we will grow the heart of saving sentient beings naturally, and the heart of being afraid, which is generated from selfishness, will naturally disappear. The attachment to fame and money also comes from selfishness. If we can truly keep ourselves at the selfless status, the attachment to fame and money will seem very small and will disappear in no time in the Fa.

I used to think that the attachments to fame and money were individual attachments, and I needed to work on them one by one. Now I realize that I was stuck in the status of self-cultivation and didn't make a fundamental breakthrough. We are beings created by our Master; we should unconditionally assimilate to what Master has required of us and do it without any other intentions or requests. This is the state that we should be in.

I would like to suggest to fellow practitioners to memorize the Fa. Don't think that it is a waste of time, and don't have an attachment to the speed at which you remember. Carefully memorize each sentence and assimilate to the Fa.