Falun Dafa Minghui.org www.minghui.org PRINT


April 11, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a high school teacher in Wei County, Hebei Province. Since July 20, 1999, when the persecution of Falun Gong began, the village committee has asked me to write repentance statements for Falun Gong practitioners. I have written many such statements slandering Falun Gong without giving it much thought. I had always been very healthy before, but soon afterwards I suddenly had a stroke and developed several other diseases. After all kinds of medical treatment, my condition did not improve much. Even today I still have difficulty moving around and blurred vision. These conditions made me miserable.

One day in 2007, I came across a Falun Gong practitioner by chance. He told me the facts about Falun Gong and gave me a copy of the book "Zhuan Falun". After reading this book, I awakened. It is truly a divine book. I have read many books, but never one as wonderful as this.

I have mixed feelings. I am sorry for the bad I did slandering Dafa before. I am also happy that I am fortunate to have read this precious book Zhuan Falun and to understand the truth of the universe. I therefore wrote a solemn declaration. I declared that all of my negative words and deeds toward Dafa are invalid. I also declared my withdrawal from the CCP, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers.

I have read Zhuan Falun several times. I have now come to understand the true meaning of life. I am full of hope for my future.