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Clarifying the Truth While Giving Home Care

March 09, 2008 |   By a Dafa practitioner from China


As a result of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution against Falun Gong, I have been beaten and tortured by the police many times. In late 2006, I returned home from the labor camp very weak physically. After a period of Fa-study and doing the exercises, my health improved. Through Fa-study, I further realized the importance of saving sentient beings. I decided to look for a job so I could interact with more people to accomplish that. With that thought and Teacher's enlightenment and help from fellow practitioners, I found a job looking after a elderly woman in her 80s.

This lady was severely ill. She had been sick since 1999 and had to rely on an imported pacemaker. Due to thighbone necrosis, she had an artificial thigh installed. Because of renal cysts and uremia, she could no longer urinate normally and had to rely on dialysis. She was very thin and her skin had turned dark. I thought that since we had the chance to meet each other, I would clarify the truth to her and bring her the wonderfulness of Dafa.

As I took care of this lady, I asked her to recite "Falun Dafa is good" and "'Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance' is good." I told her that the media propaganda that defamed Falun Gong was false and that Falun Gong was being persecuted. I told her that Falun Gong teaches one to be a better person as well as improves one's physical health, which was well accepted by the general public. Although this lady was physically weak, she understood a lot after hearing the truth. She told me that someone introduced her to Falun Gong in 1999 and showed her the exercises. However, she stopped once the CCP started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. I spent time reading Zhuan Falun to her, and the more she listened, the clearer she became. She said the book was very good, and that it seemed like it was almost written for her. She regretted not practicing Falun Gong earlier. After I read Zhuan Falun to her for a while, this elderly woman, who earlier even needed help turning over on her back, could walk when she got out of bed. She also no longer needed the cane that she had used for eight years. She was able to urinate normally again and her skin slowly returned to its normal color. Her family members were surprised to see these changes. The elderly lady realized that Dafa was helping her.

During the time when she could not move easily, I had to carry her upstairs and downstairs on my back. Sometimes I also felt uncomfortable myself. Once on my way home, my stomach hurt painfully. I thought it could be related to the elderly lady's karma. I began to recite Teacher's Fa as I walked. After arriving home, I studied the Fa, sent forth righteous thoughts, and did the exercises. The stomachache was gone soon afterwards. Later, when discussing this with a fellow practitioner, we realized it was the arrangements of the old forces. Dafa disciples need to save sentient beings, and it is inappropriate for us to bear others' karma during the Fa-rectification period. Dafa disciples should not acknowledge such arrangements. During the Fa-rectification period, saving sentient beings is most important, and it is wrong to interfere with this. Later, this lady was able to walk up and downstairs by herself. This is a manifestation of Dafa's compassionate magnificence.

After this lady could get around by herself again, she planned to play mahjong. Then she fell and had to go to the hospital for emergency treatment, but passed away. Nonetheless, since she had learned the truth, she would have good future.

I recall a particular incident from when I was taking care of her. When October 1st (National Day in China) was approaching, the CCP was afraid that practitioners would go to appeal for justice for Falun Gong, and thus it was considered a sensitive date. The residential committee official asked me to tell them the home phone number of this lady, and I told the lady's family about this. Her husband was very nervous and did not allow me to give out the phone number. He may have even thought about asking me to leave. Later, the woman's daughter and son-in-law said, "The CCP is afraid of Falun Gong practitioners appealing since the truth would be disclosed. What are we afraid of? If someone comes to bother us, we will handle it." I think if more people in society are able to uphold justice like this, the CCP would be afraid to commit bad deeds.

Later, I helped take care of a four-month-old baby. At the beginning, I did not clarify the truth to him, thinking he was too young to understand. One day, the baby had diarrhea and I told him to recite "Falun Dafa is good." As a result, he stopped crying and the diarrhea was gone on the following day. A neighbor had a baby about eight or nine months old. Once the baby was very ill with a fever and cough. Her difficulty breathing also made her sweat. I went there to hug her and I sang Dafa practitioners' songs to her. The baby stopped crying and later she was able to breathe. She was very happy when she heard me sing but often cried when other people went to hug her. The baby's family thus liked me to sing to her. From these two incidents, I came to the understanding that, although the babies are young, they benefit from hearing the truth. Therefore, we need to clarify the truth to everyone, no matter how young or old, literate or illiterate.

When doing home care, I also came across an old man in his 80s. Because of a cyst in his liver, he had surgery. He developed an inflammation because of it, and he did not recover even after a month. I clarified the truth to him, and talked with him about how the CCP persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. I also told him how Dafa teaches people to become better and told him to recite poems from Hong Yin. The man was pleased to hear this and he kept nodding. Although a third surgery was scheduled, it was later canceled because his illnesses were gone.

A government officer's wife damaged her throat while eating food that was too hot. She could not speak, eat, drink or breathe. I told her that Falun Dafa is good and it benefits people. I also told her to recite "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are good" when she was in pain or when she was in danger. The woman began to recite the sentences that I told her, and her throat returned to normal after two days. Many people thought it was a miracle. Later I gave her a truth-clarification card for her to carry. She held it with both hands, saying it was the best thing she had ever received.

All these facts are telling us that people will benefit from knowing the truth.