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Ireland: Falun Gong Practitioners Win an Award in the National Day Parade (Photos)

March 23, 2008 |   By an Irish practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) St. Patrick's Day is the National Day for the Republic of Ireland. The whole nation was filled with a festive atmosphere. After attending the Great National Day parade in Cashel on March 15, Falun Gong practitioners also joined by invitation the National Day parade in Cork on March 17. They were awarded the best dancing group award for their beautiful traditional Chinese dances during the parade.

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Falun Gong practitioners in the National Day parade in Cork, Ireland

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The Mayor of the City of Cork, Councillor Donal J. Counihan presented the trophy to the Falun Gong group

The Cork National Day parade started at 1:30 p.m. About ten thousand people gathered along the street to watch the parade. The crowd cheered enthusiastically when the Falun Gong group reached the Chairman's podium. The presenter provided this introduction: "The dance they are performing is called the Lotus dance. Girls are dressed in the traditional Chinese costumes. The lotus flower represents purity in the human world. In the Buddhist culture, the lotus flower has special meanings. The final section of the Falun Gong parade group is the drum troupes. Their performance is very inspiring. The sound of their drums can eliminate the evil beings in other dimensions. Therefore the drumming can bring people good luck."

Mary is a local resident in Cork. She and her family came to see the National Day parade together. Mary said enthusiastically, "This is the first time I saw a Chinese group perform in the Cork parade. I think their performance is wonderful. Very pleased to see them."

Mary's younger sister was full of praises: "They are really beautiful, especially the ladies in the Fan Dance."

The parade ended at 2:30 p.m. The Falun Gong group received the best dancing group award for the 2008 Cork National Day parade. The mayor of the city of Cork, Donal J. Counihan, presented the trophy.

The mayor said during this National Day parade, people from many other countries such as China, South Africa, Latvia, Poland and India also participated. Every performing group from each nation had demonstrated their country's national culture. The Irish people in Cork also demonstrated their own culture. This kind of parade is the first time for Cork. The mayor hoped that through such culture exchanges, people from different nations could understand each other better.

Regarding the outstanding performance by the Falun Gong group, the mayor said: "The performance by the Falun Gong group is a very important part of the Cork National Day parade. Their costumes are very unique. They are outstanding in demonstrating the traditional Chinese culture. We are very pleased that they could join our parade. We also hope they will participate in more of our community activities."

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200803/43625.html