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Award Winning Actress: "I Wanted to Watch It Forever"

March 22, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) At 6:30 on the night of March 16, 2008, people entered the Taipei International Convention Center, ready to enjoy the fourth annual performance by the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) Company. Some were anxiously asking, "Are there any tickets left? Where can I find a ticket?" As a matter of fact, the DPA show was sold out!

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Golden Horse Academy Award Winner Lu Xiaofen: "The Divine Performing Arts is so creative. I wanted to watch it forever!"

Thousands of Horses Running to the Hearts of the Audience

Ms. Lu Xiaofen was declared Best Actress of 1983 by the Golden Horse Academy, as well as by the 33rd and 34th Asian Pacific Movie Festival. She came to see the show upon invitation. During the intermission, she accepted an interview and gave high marks to the lively and vivid performance. Being a Buddhist herself, she was especially moved by the program "Descent of the Celestial Kings." She commented,"The last scene of thousands of horses running was so vivid that it felt like they were coming straight into the hearts of the audience."

The Show Is Very Beneficial for Modern People, Especially Children

Ms. Lu enjoyed the gentle beauty of "Lady of the Moon" and the story of "The Loyalty of Yue Fei." She thought all the programs had a story to tell and were not just dance pieces. "Every story was deeply rooted in traditional culture and easy to understand." She was moved by the presentation of folklore in the dance pieces.

She thought the show was very educational, since many traditional stories can help shape the development of young people, especially young children. "Every story was short and to the point, enabling the audience to quickly understand the deep meaning underlying the story." She smiled, "The show is very beneficial for modern people, especially children these days."

The DPA Is Very Creative

Ms. Lu also studied theater in the US and holds an honorary doctoral degree from Lincoln University. With her background, she usually considers a show to be good if it can move the audience, be it theater, music, or dance. The DPA performance fills the bill with its excellent performers that really do move people.

She expressed her desire to come again and enjoy the DPA next year. "It is not easy to come across a good show. The DPA performance is a part of life, not just entertainment. It can help cultivate one's mind and body. It's just so very good," she said with a pleasant smile, repeating her satisfaction with the show.