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Director of Puyan Township: "Such Clear Messages Purify the Hearts of People in this Chaotic World" (Photo)

March 20, 2008 |   By Sun Bo in Taichung, Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) On March 12, 2008, many politicians attended the final performance of the Divine Performing Arts run in Taichung.

Director of the Puyan Township in Changhua County, Ching Hsinhuang

Ching Hsinhuang is the director of Puyan Township in Taichung County. He said, "I think the performance by the Divine Performing Arts is very valuable, and enlightens and purifies people's hearts. It will contribute greatly to the progress of society, and there is a very profound significance in upgrading the world's civilization. I think this performance should be widely circulated and extensively publicized so that the company's messages - pure truth, pure compassion, pure beauty - can purify people's hearts in this chaotic world with plenty of political conflicts. I believe the performance will promote peace in the world. I see a lot of the working staff portraying zeal, politeness, and making careful arrangements. I can see this group is the model of society, which we should study and learn from."

Ching Hsinhuang also said that, "The essence of traditional culture, the connotation of Buddhism and the profound artistic conceptions are demonstrated by the art of dance. It is really quite touching. The fine arts performance makes it easy for people to understand the profound ideas it intends to convey, and it demonstrates it so vividly and lively. It is really not easy work!"

Ching Hsinhuang said that almost every performance and each scene is very touching. For example, the "Erhu soloist" played to a maximum level. It impressed the audience very deeply. The solemn and stirring sound of the Erhu is very touching, very moving, so that everyone was fascinated. The "Descent of the Celestial Kings" displayed inclusiveness, and tolerance of the Buddha.

"I feel there is the firm belief of the basic truth in the universe. In modern society, we should have more religious freedom. I think it has great significance in the progress of the world and the improvement of human civilization. I see that Falun Gong practitioners have a firm belief in Falun Gong. They are really great to use arts and culture to display and lead the new trend of the world, the new realm of development. They are really admirable!"

Ching Hsinhuang was worried about the chaos of modern society and said, "Now people are empty inside, full of turbulence in their minds and lack stability in their hearts, so if the arts and culture can be strengthened, it will benefit the world's people greatly and bring real peace and genuine hope. Many people believe that culture and the arts seem very profound. Life's philosophy and the value of art seems very difficult to express, but today's performance was demonstrated from all angles and let everyone, regardless of whether they were doctorates or illiterate people, enjoy and understand it profoundly. That is the remarkable! It is a really significant feast of culture and arts.

Ching Hsinhuang said that he would come back next year if there was an opportunity and would also encourage many of his good friends to attend.