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Practitioners Mr. Wang Denqiao and Ms. Qing Yufen from Xinren County, Guizhou Province Held in Detention

March 16, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the minghui.ca website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net ).

Practitioner Mr. Wang Denqiao, from Xinren County, Qianxinan District in Guizhou Province, was illegally arrested in mid-September, 2007. He has been held in the county jail ever since. It has been recently learned that Mr. Wang was sentenced to three years in prison.

Practitioner Ms. Qing Yufen was arrested by Captain Liang Dexon of the National Security Team in Xingren County on December 26, 2007, and has been held in the county jail ever since. Her family was asked to sign the arrest notice, but it was learned that the persecutors had insufficient evidence when the District Attorney's Office approved the arrest warrant. Ms. Qing was secretly moved to a brainwashing center in Lannigou at Hauxi in Guiyang City, which is a base where practitioners are persecuted. The authorities have not let Ms. Qing's family members visit her since her arrest. According to informed sources, Ms. Qing suffered very serious persecution because she would not cooperate with the unreasonable demands of the authorities.