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College Professor After Watching Chinese Spectacular: I am Proud to Be Chinese (Photos)

March 13, 2008 |   By Minghui reporter Zhou Rong

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Chen Meiling, a college professor at Taye University, came to the second show of the Chinese Spectacular in Taichung with her daughter and a German friend. Ms. Chen said she was touched to tears by the show last year, and this year, she could not stop her tears again, although she tried.

Prof. Chen said, "Watching the show was like enjoying a beautiful artwork. Although I don't know the artists, I can understand what they try to express."

Professor Chen said, "The audience can communicate with the artists through the show. Watching it was like enjoying a beautiful artwork. Although I don't know the artists, I can understand what they try to express."

She said she felt proud to be Chinese after watching the show. She said she hoped more people could come to see the show and benefit from it.

As a mother of three children, Prof. Chen was deeply touched by the dance "The Loyalty of Yue Fei," in which Yue's mother selflessly asked her son to protect their home country, and tattooed "Loyal to your country" on Yue's back. Thinking of her sacrifices brought tears to Prof. Chen's eyes.

Prof. Chen was glad to see that many dances in the show were related to life in modern society, while also being connected to traditional moral standards. This makes it easy for young children to understand. Prof. Chen's daughter said it was the best show she had ever seen. "It was so interesting that I didn't feel sleepy at all," she said.

Betina, an assistant professor and a friend of Prof. Chen's, said the dance "The Power of Awareness" and the characters on the banner held by the little girl--"Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" deeply touched her

Betina, an assistant professor and a friend of Prof. Chen's, said she never before seen such a show. She liked the drum dance and the Erhu solo, but what touched her most deeply was the dance "The Power of Awareness" and the characters on the banner held by the little girl--"Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." She said that she would recommend this show to her German friends by saying, "You must see it if you want to learn about genuine traditional Chinese culture."