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The General Manager of a Corporation Has Righteous Thoughts

February 26, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In November, 2001, a practitioner who worked for a company in Shandong Province was arrested by Xinghua Road Police Station officers on his way to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. When the general manager of his company heard about it, he immediately notified the head of the company's Defendant Office to go to the police department to get their employee released. That was on a weekend, and the head of the Defendant Office was involved in family activities. The general manager told the head to postpone his family activities and to work on the release of the Falun Gong practitioner at once.

This practitioner was released to go back to work after being detained for two days and one night. According to Chinese Communist Party policy at that time, all practitioners that went to Beijing to appeal were to have their salary and bonuses deducted from their pay, and they even had to work on holidays and be monitored by special people. In that high stress environment, the general manager warded off all the pressures and told all the managers in his company, "We treat every situation the same way no matter what people believe, as long as they don't act against the company rules.

It is the ninth year of the persecution of Falun Gong, and people all over are waking up. All who have righteous thoughts are starting to appeal to stop the persecution. We wish good fortune to the righteous people that have supported and helped practitioners during these past eight years!