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It Is Best To Distribute Truth-Clarification Materials Face-to-Face

December 26, 2008 |   By a practitioner in Henan Province


Something always bothered me in what we do as practitioners. We tell people face-to-face the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution. We go out to distribute materials every day. We tell people that by frequently reciting "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" that they will have good fortune. I wonder, though, how many people truly understand the facts, and how many will truly be saved? Nonetheless, I still follow Teacher's direction to do my best, and simply do what I feel I should do.

A few days ago, I went out to distribute Dafa materials and saw a group of farmers fixing the road. Another practitioner and I went up and I told them about the need to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its associated organizations, and gave them a booklet. I believed that the booklet would bring them health and peace.

A youngster (in his twenties) took the booklet and said: "It must be Falun Gong. I read it. What it says makes sense." His word reminded me and I had given them other materials in the past, and encouraged them to share them with their families.

Another time, I went to the countryside to distribute Dafa materials. It was after lunch and there were a few groups of people on the street. I felt that it was a good opportunity to tell them the facts about Dafa. I stood in front of an elderly person and said: "Sir, let me give you this booklet to read. You should recite "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" is good" frequently. The man said: "I have been waiting for this message."

I enlightened to the following: It is better to distribute Dafa materials face to face. People will read them when they get them, and their views will change. The factors in their minds that have been poisoned by the evil party will be eliminated. I feel the eagerness of people wanting to be saved.