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Clearwisdom Weekly Persecution News - December 1 ~ 7, 2008

December 17, 2008 |  

Dec. 1

Mr. Zhang Litian was arrested several times for practicinf Falun Gong. In April 2008, he was arrested again in the name of "preparing for the Olympics." On August 7, 2008, he was sentenced to five years in prison. On November 17, 2008, he was beaten to death in Jinzhou City Prison.

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Zhou was tortured to death on Chinese New Year's Eve, February 6, 2008. On November 25, 2008, Chongwen District Court in Beijing sentenced his wife, Ms. Xu Na to three years in prison. The whole process took only a few minutes.

Dec. 2

Because of practicing Falun Gong, Hong Kong resident Mr. Chen Yingtian's wife Ms. Yang Xiaolan is being illegally detained, and not allowed to reunite with her family. Mr. Chen Yingtian provided the following statement.

The 11th Group of the Forced Labor Dispatch Division of Beijing City is created specifically for illegally detaining female Falun Gong practitioners and has applied the "transformation" process that destructs human conscience.

Dec. 3

In this case defendant Ms. Zhong Fangqiong was allow to have a lawyer and to testify. However the court refuses to 'accept' her evidence.

Dec. 4

Ms Zhao's show trial is marred by false evidence.

Dec. 6

This article describes the condition of a prisoner placed under 'block out' supervision.

Dec. 7

After being detained for four months, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yizhi and Ms. Bau Hongzhen were secretly sentenced two and five years in prison, respectively.

Clearwisdom.net and its Chinese-language sister-website (minghui.ca) provide first-hand reports about the horrors of the persecution of Falun Gong in China. Dozens of reports are received every day from the victims of torture, the wrongfully imprisoned, and families crippled by the senseless hardship and grief for their loved ones imposed by the persecution. In contrast, the websites also report positive news and events from the more than 80 countries around the world where Falun Gong is practiced, and serve as an online forum for practitioners to share stories of the good things Falun Gong has brought to their lives. For more information, please contact editor@clearwisdom.net.