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In a Few Words: Disintegrate the Evil Wherever We Go

November 15, 2008 |   By a practitioner in Shandong Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I was recently studying "Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference," and "Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference," and I enlightened that as Falun Dafa practitioners we should disintegrate the evil wherever we go.

I learned from Master's teachings that all beings would help a Buddha coming down to the human world because the Buddha carries an energy field of compassion, and its radiant light would dissolve or rectify all wrongs. Our great Master said,

"I am rooted in the universe. If anyone can harm you, he or she would be able to harm me. Put simply, that person would be able to harm this universe." (Zhuan Falun)

The energy field of Falun Dafa practitioners is assimilated with Truthfulness- Compassion-Forbearance, and it is a field of righteous thoughts that our Master has passed down to us. No matter where we go, our mighty righteous thoughts' energy field should rectify all wrongs and disintegrate all evil. Master said,

"Instead of being called "supernormal abilities," they are now called 'the divine powers of the Buddha Fa.' They are boundlessly powerful and can act on different dimensions, being something really effective." (Zhuan Falun)

Master has given us supernormal abilities to protect ourselves. But our selfish attachments are blocking our true natures, and that has prolonged the persecution. The main root is our fear covered by human notions. If each Falun Dafa practitioner can radiate righteousness as we should, all unrighteous things will be rectified or disintegrated, and the persecution would no longer continue.

I enlightened to this point, but I still have lot of attachments, including fear. I know now I need strengthen my righteous thoughts every moment.

Translated on November 12, 2008, from an edited version of http://minghui.org/mh/articles/2008/11/7/189379.html