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Refrain from Praising Fellow Practitioners at Will

October 09, 2008 |   By a practitioner in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) While sharing experiences after group Fa study, two older fellow practitioners praised me highly. This caused me to think about the issue of praising others. Here, I would like to share my understanding with fellow practitioners.

For everyday people, it may seem that we follow their human attachments when clarifying the facts about Falun Gong. We may praise their beautiful clothing, good appearance or other merits, so that we can touch their hearts. This is absolutely alright. Non-practitioners like to hear flattering words, but we are cultivators. These words are no good for cultivators. Fellow practitioners who hear such words are inclined to develop an attachment to zealotry and complacency, and a mentality to showing off. Even when fellow practitioners are really doing well, we should realize that it is because they do things according to the Fa requirements. It is the manifestation of Dafa's power. Therefore, we shouldn't focus on how well fellow practitioners are doing. Achievements are still accomplished even if we do not say anything. However, when we encounter problems and do not address them, they become worse. As cultivators, we do have human attachments and shortcomings, which a fellow practitioner may not clearly realize. If we can focus on studying the Fa and looking within ourselves, and point out fellow practitioners' problems with mercy, then we will do better on the path of saving sentient beings.

Of course, for a fellow practitioner who is having difficulties or not in a good state, we may study the Fa and share cultivation experiences with him. Thus, we can help him to find his own strengths, establish more confidence and break through selfishness, and then he can break out of the state of depression. On such occasions, this encouragement is necessary. Anything we do should not be made considered as absolute or extreme actions.

The above is only my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.