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New York: NTDTV's First Annual Global Han Couture Design Competition a Success (Photos)

October 22, 2008 |   By Cai Ju in New York

(Clearwisdom.net) The first annual Global Han Couture Design Competition hosted by New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV) concluded in a splendid fashion on October 19, 2008 at the Prince George Ballroom in Manhattan, capital of the fashion world. The competition received over 1000 designs from more than a hundred designers in nine countries and regions around the world. Designs from 250 sets of work from over 60 designers entered the final round of competition, and 52 sets of dresses were selected for final round display by fashion models.

The Hanfu (Chinese wear) submitted for the competition spans two categories, formal/business attire and casual wear. Chinese apparel entries were brilliant and dazzling, elegant and soft, and combined the tradition with modern styles, showcasing traditional Chinese clothing art of pure kindness and beauty--Han couture culture's splendid and majestic, rich and diverse features. It also incorporates the lifestyles of modern people, lending itself to promoting the Han couture.


NTDTV's First Global Han Couture Design Competition successfully concludes


Entry design


Entry design

Entry design


Entry design

Han Couture Design Competition Returns to Tradition and Leads the Fashion

Han is the largest ethnic group since ancient times, among all the major ethnic groups in China. It is also known as the "Chinese nation," so the Hanfu is also known as the Han dress, and Chinese dress. The Hanfu not only refers to "dress of the Han Dynasty," but refers to the traditional costumes of Chinese Han nationality, and also one of the world's oldest national clothing styles.

Chinese ancient clothing changed with the shift of dynasties; different dynasties had different dresses, representing the culture of different dynasties. Therefore, the Hanfu contains rich connotations of traditional culture.

The clothing styles during each dynasty contained classical element of the dynasty. For example, the apparel in the Qin and Han dynasties was simple and solemn, the Great Tang Dynasty costumes were magnificent and gorgeous, the Song Dynasty costumes were elaborate and delicate, while the Ming Dynasty costumes were elegant and resplendent. There are rich elements in each of these traditional cultures.

Ms. Fan Hong, chairman of the competition's judging committee, said that the received works were of high quality and high standards, with many designers having solid strengths. The works were designed based on aesthetic principles of returning to Chinese tradition, demonstrating the art of pure kindness and beauty.

Ms. Fan Hong emphasized that the Han couture design does not directly copy ancient Chinese clothing, but is adapted to the rhythm of modern day life, and stresses a practical and creative design. At the same time, the designs should be rooted in the connotations of clothing culture from different dynasties. Therefore, the criteria for the competition is not only to see if the contestant can integrate the ancient clothing techniques and wearing with practicality, but also to see the contestant's background of cultural knowledge and his/her understanding of the Han couture. In addition the judging considers whether or not the entries encompass the cultural foundations of clothing in the Tang, Song and Ming dynasties and reflect the rationality and the connotation of being one with heaven and man in traditional Chinese culture.

She added that Han couture fully embodies the moral connotations of benevolence, righteousness, courteousness, wisdom and loyalty, and is an important symbol and expressive form of traditional Chinese clothing art of pure kindness and beauty. Therefore, the competition has significant meaning in the rejuvenation and return to traditional apparel culture, and provides an opportunity and a platform for promoting excellent Han Couture.

Han Couture Design Retrieves Lost Traditional Culture

California fashion designer Ms. Cheng Minghua won the bronze medal in the casual wear division with her work "Tang Ladies." Ms. Cheng was once a designer of western suits, but she said that since she was young, she liked ancient clothes, and in recent years has been thinking of making these traditional Chinese dresses if the chance presented itself, and making it a fashion. When hearing the news about the NTDTV Global Han Couture Design Competition, she thought, "The chance is here, my dream can come true."

She said that Chinese clothing changed greatly with the changes in Chinese dynasties. In fact, the clothing styles all contain deep cultural connotations. The ancient Chinese valued being human beings who are faithful, and have morality. Women should be virtuous, dignified and gentle. Modern western-style clothing is missing these connotations.


Bronze medal winner for the casual wear division--California's Han couture designer Cheng Minghua

Ms. Cheng thought when people wear the Han couture, they will naturally think of Chinese ancient traditions. If a man puts on the robe of a gentleman, he will naturally think of reading poems and books and being refined and cultured. If a woman puts on a lady's skirt, she will think of embroidery and tending to her husband and teaching children, and so on. Dressed in Han couture, people will naturally be disciplined in their words and deeds, otherwise they don't deserve to wear the clothes. There are special ways of standing and sitting, not speaking too loudly, girls should not walk like boys, and so on. It can rectify people's words and deeds, and help us find the long lost traditional culture.

Designs are Unique and Extraordinary

Fashion design consultant Lavera Wright liked this new and unique "fashion" show. She said, "The show is very beautiful. Designers paid attention to details, and their designs are unique and extraordinary." She said that each design has its own, very creative style, and the fashion show gave people a warm feeling. It connected to their culture. They expressed their thoughts through clothing, and also brought the viewers into the designs.


Fashion design consultant Lavera Wright

Being Splendid, Pure and Understated, Elegant and Soft

Ms. Zhou is a fashion fan and has done specific research on it. She herself has also worked in the clothing business for several years. After watching today's fashion show, she was very pleased. She said that some of the very good designs made her feel the gorgeous features of the Tang Dynasty dress and the pure and understated character of the Song Dynasty dress, reflecting Chinese women's elegance and good virtue. Ms. Zhou has a set of beautiful Tang Dynasty costumes. She said that once she put them on, she would naturally have the feeling of being classically elegant.

List of Winners

Three Special Awards

Best Sketch:
Elsie He, with "Memory of Friendship"

Best Accessory:
Xuemian Lin, with "Imperial Couture"

Best Technique:
Meihe Chen, with "China Blue"

Winners in the Casual Wear Competition

Gold: Elsie He, with "Memories of Friendship" (The first set)
Silver: Liqing Chen, with Yuan from Han Dynasty
Bronze: Minghua Cheng, with "Tang's Ladies"
Outstanding Awards:
Biqiong Gong, with "Ode to Winter Plum Blossoms"
Xiulian Yang, with "Rainbow After the Rain"

Winners in the Formal Wear Competition

Gold: Zhaoqing Wang, with "Moments" (The first set)
Silver: Biqiong Gong, with "Spring Is Here"
Bronze: Zhizheng Qian, with "Lotus Han Couture Series"
Outstanding Awards:
Maimouna Ngom, her work is "Thinking of the Song Dynasty"
Shichang Lin, his work is "Four Seasons" (The first set)