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Chinese People in San Francisco Amazed by the Spectacular (Photos)

January 28, 2008 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) From January 23 to 26, the Divine Performing Arts Company presented seven shows of the Chinese New Year Spectacular, receiving enthusiastic reviews from the audience, including many Chinese people. When leaving the theater, some of the Chinese attendees greeted staff members of the show and gave them the thumbs up.

San Francisco Spectacular audience

Many Chinese immigrants in San Francisco watched the show

Mr. Wanfu Liao, a well-known figure in the San Francisco Bay area, said that the show was very good, showcasing much of Chinese history and culture

American-born Chinese computer engineer Micheal Louis found the show fascinating

Retired computer engineer Henry Qiu and his wife enjoyed the show

Ms. Huang from Hong Kong said she had never seen such a magnificent show. "Everyone around me was praising the show... I liked every piece, they are so vivid and real. And the dancers seem to so easily perform difficult moves. It is really amazing."

Mr. Yongming Wei, a businessman, came from Hua County of Guangdong Province more than 20 years ago. During the intermission, he told the reporter: "I loved it. The costumes and the music are very good." His favorites were, "The Loyalty of Yue Fei" and "Drummers of the Tang Court."

"The show is excellent," said retired chemical engineer Yongxiao Chen, originally from Fujiang Province. He continued, "It introduced our Chinese history and culture, which are very important for the education of the generations to come. You cannot see a show of this kind anywhere else."

Paul Ma, an immigrant from Hong Kong, said that the scenes were magnificent and the costumes were dazzling. He added, "The show presented the diverse ethnic culture of China and overall it is great."

Retired computer engineer Henry Qiu and his wife also enjoyed the show. "The costumes, the music, and the dances were just beautiful. It was a first-class show," the Qius said.

Ms. En Chen is a fan of dance. Born in Hong Kong, she grew up in South Asia and came to the US more than 20 years ago. She said to one of the organizers, "The performers are very professional and talented, and the programs are wonderful. Thank you so much for bringing us such a great show!"