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Four Stories of Transformation Through Dafa

January 20, 2008 |  


My Father-in-law Becomes a Falun Gong Practitioner

I'm a practitioner in Linchi Town, Zouping County, Shandong Province. My son was to be married on November 21, 2007, and my father-in-law, who lives far away in the Northeast, wanted to come back to his hometown to attend his grandson's wedding, but he was 73 years old and had suffered a stroke. He had been hooked to an intravenous drip at his home for eight or nine days, but the older man missed his grandson so much that he insisted on coming to the wedding. His family had to buy a ticket for him and take him to the train. With tears in his eyes, his son told him not to forget to take his medicine.

After getting to my home in Linchi Town and attending the wedding, my father-in-law was in bad shape. I told him to say, "Falun Dafa is good," and it had a definite effect. He immediately recovered. Since then, my father-in-law has been studying Falun Gong and has experienced huge changes in his body and mind. He walks lightly now and he has obtained an erhu musical instrument from a friend and started to play the music of "Falun Dafa Hao."

"It Was God Who Protected Me"

By a practitioner in China

A 60-year-old woman in Datong City, Shanxi Province, suffered from neurasthenia (chronic fatigue) for many years. She was sick all over and had no will to live. After listening to a Falun Dafa practitioner clarifying the truth, she agreed to quit the party, the Youth League, and the Young Pioneers, and also came to know that Falun Dafa was good. When she had spare time, she recited, "Falun Dafa is good." Gradually, she recovered from the neurasthenia and became more energetic. Since then, she has often clarified the truth to her female friends and persuaded them to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. So far, eight people have withdrawn. She told a Dafa practitioner that she planned to persuade 60 people to withdraw this year.

One day, she suddenly had a headache and passed out. Her family immediately took her to a hospital. The doctor said that she had a stroke and was in serious condition. The doctor told the family to be ready for the worst. The medical treatment plan was to open her skull or make a hole in her skull to release some blood. Another doctor said, "This illness is very strange. I measured her blood pressure and it was not high. How could she have a stroke? Let's not operate. Let's follow a conservative treatment plan and observe her condition."

On the fifth day, the older woman woke up. The doctor immediately talked with her and found that her mind was clear, she spoke clearly, and she could also move her hands and legs. The doctor thought this was very strange because he had never seen such a recovery. On the sixth day, a practitioner went to visit her. She remembered clearly what had happened before, although she spoke weakly. She also told the practitioner, "Please save my brother-in-law and sister-in-law (that is, clarify the truth to them). They are good people. They are having hardships these days because of taking care of me."

The woman was hospitalized for a month and then left the hospital. After returning home, she recovered quickly and suffered no aftereffects. People who saw her said, "Wow! You recovered so quickly, I did not expect that." She said, "Falun Dafa is really good. It was God who protected me."

Blessings from Dafa Gave Him a New Life

Li Hou (nickname) from Yushu City, Jilin Province, is now in his 70s. He once practiced Falun Gong, but after the persecution started, he gradually stopped practicing. In 2007, after not practicing the exercises and not studying the Fa, his health condition declined until he was sick in bed.

He was diagnosed with a myocardial infarction (heart attack). After being hooked to an IV drip and taking medication, his condition still did not improve. The doctor let him go home because he could not be healed. After getting home, he could only sustain himself by taking medicine.

One day, a practitioner came to his home and clarified the truth to him. The practitioner also brought him Master's lecture tapes. Li Hou started listening to the Fa from his bed. After a few days, the practitioner came to visit again and saw that Mr. Li was walking around the room with his hands crossed behind his back. The practitioner could barely believe his eyes. Li Hou had been groaning with pain in bed, and now he had recovered so quickly.

Read "Falun Dafa Is Good" and Get Good Rewards

One friend in my village was relatively close to me. I clarified the truth to him and gave him materials containing facts about the persecution of Falun Gong. Sometimes he read Master's lectures. Because he did not cultivate and did not believe in Dafa, he sometimes said something bad after reading Master's lectures. But every time, before he finished talking, I would tell him, "Please stop saying that. Saying that will not do you any good." Seeing that I was really upset, he stopped. When he said the bad things he often had pain in his leg which hurt a lot, so I seriously told him, "Sincerely saying, 'Falun Dafa is good, Zhen Shan Ren is good.' will definitely benefit you."

Last winter, he came to my home again and told me, "Since the last time you got upset with me, I have been saying in my heart 'Falun Dafa is good, Zhen Shan Ren is good' with my legs crossed every morning after getting up and every night before going to bed. Now I no longer feel any pain in my leg. If I could not work, my family would be in dire straits. I'm the backbone of my family!" He asked me how Falun Dafa can have such great power. I told him, "Teacher Li has come to save people. The Buddha law is boundless!"

December 31, 2007