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Business Manager Express Admiration for Falun Gong after Witnessing an Employee's Righteous Actions

September 13, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Not long ago I began to work in a private company. At first, no one knew I practiced Falun Gong. I strictly complied with the teaching of Falun Gong at all times, and over my colleagues began to notice my conscientious and kind behavior. Since my colleagues have a high regard for me, I started to explain to them the important facts about Falun Gong and to try to persuade them to sever ties with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its two affiliated student organizations that they may have joined when they were younger. My manager, however, remained skeptical about Falun Gong.

One day my manager and I had dinner together. He said, "I will give you a new assignment that will benefit both our company and me." "What is it?" I asked.

He said, "I want you to remove our water meter every evening and fill up our water tank. In the morning you will install the water meter again. This way our company will save a lot of money on our water bill. I will give you a reward for it!"

Wasn't my manager asking me to do something against the law? Then I thought, "This is a good opportunity to explain to him about Falun Gong."

First I refused to comply with his request. Then I began to explain to him how Teacher requires us to start by becoming the best people in the world and then elevate to the level of a cultivator. I also explained to him the heavenly law that, with gain, there must be loss. My manager didn't say anything in rebuttal, nor did he ask me to remove the water meter at night again.

The next day he didn't talk to me at all. At the time I thought he was offended because I had turned down his request. That evening we had dinner together again. This time he said, "I couldn't sleep last night. Do you know why?" "No," I said. He said, "I kept thinking about what you told me last night. It was not until now that I realized that your Teacher and Fa are truly righteous! Rest assured that you will be safe in my company. Anyone that wants to make trouble for Our company requires a lot of water for its business operations, but my manager patted me on my shoulder and said, "We good people will never cheat on the water bill!"

Over time, more than 90 percent of the people in the company have decided to withdraw from the CCP or its two affiliated student organizations I believe that our righteous thoughts and actions will validate the Fa and save sentient beings.