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Practitioner Chen Xiaodong From Anhui Province Arrested Again Two Years After Serving a Five-Year Prison Term

August 06, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 12, 2007, Hong Yang (male), a Fuyang City public security officer, arrested practitioner Mr. Chen Xiaodong, from Fuyang City, Anhui Province. Mr. Chen is detained in the Taihe County Detention Center. "To undergo more severe persecution," sources said, "his case has been turned over to Taihe Prosecutor's Office."

In 2000, Mr. Chen was sentenced to five years of imprisonment because of his steadfast belief in Falun Dafa. It has been only two years since he served his five-year prison term.

He was a teacher in a technical school before he was fired while imprisoned. His mother and grandmother could not endure the blow of his imprisonment, and they passed away one after the other.

To make a living, he borrowed money from a friend to open an auto repair shop after he was released from prison. He has not repaid his debt yet, and he has been detained again.

His wife suffers from illness and cannot hold a steady job. With his detention, she is emotionally distressed, especially since they need to pay middle school tuition for their child.

Taihe County Chief, Wang Jingpo: 86-13505660001 (Cell)
Taihe County Prosecution Office: 86-558-8625101, 86-558-8625609, 86-558-8625606

July 27, 2007