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A Truth Clarification Day

August 25, 2007 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) My wife and I are both retired. We treat truth clarification as a very important part of our daily routine. The following is our sharing and understanding from an incident on Friday. Early in the morning after practicing the exercises and studying the Fa--by 7:00 a.m.--we had adhered to our prearranged schedule and started out to visit our friends and relatives to clarify the truth. I went to three places. In the morning I visited a former colleague, and in the afternoon I met with my former neighbor, Li, and succeeded in convincing his wife to quit the three organizations associated with the Chiniese Communist Party (CCP). In the evening I visited the nursing home where my mother lived to clarify the truth to the elderly people there. It was raining hard that night as I returned home, but I still had some truth clarifying materials left, so in the rain, I took the opportunity to distribute the remaining materials to the scattered small residences in the area. I had become totally soaked from the rain. By this time my wife was already home. She had persuaded two people to quit the Chinese Communist Youth League and I had succeeded in persuading one person to quit the CCP and three people to quit the Chinese Communist Youth League.

Clarifying the Truth to My Colleagues

In the early morning, I took three connecting buses to reach the bus stop of a former colleague. I arrived at the agreed time of 9:00 a.m. After waiting twenty minutes, my colleague leisurely showed up. I ended up clarifying the truth to him at his home for five hours. I did not ask for anything from him and went to him with the compassionate intention of saving him. Saving people is a most benevolent act. With great patience, tolerance, and compassion, I clarified the truth. Time and time again when the topic got off track I redirected the conversation and clarified the truth in depth. I also let him know in all seriousness that only by genuinely renouncing the CCP could his life be saved. I also made a careful arrangement for our next meeting. If we can follow Master's teachings of utilizing our grand compassion and benevolence in dealing with people, I believe that even iron and steel can be melted, let alone an ordinary person.

Clarifying the Truth to a Former Neighbor

My former neighbor, Mr. Li, a retiree, had heard me clarify the truth before. This time I went to his home to urge his wife to quit the Chinese Communist Youth League.

Ms. Li used to be a model worker. She struggled her entire life for the Party and ended up sick and ill. She was deeply poisoned, and her attitude toward the evil Party remained solidly loyal. When she heard me talking about the historical evil for which the Party was responsible, she didn't like it. She didn't say anything however, as it would be impolite not to save face. She appeared to be cold and indifferent, as if she didn't hear what I was saying. I realized that I must treat her with the greatest sincerity and patience. I returned her cold expression with warm smiles, sending forth righteous thoughts from various angles, again and again, patiently clarifying the truth. I also enlisted her husband's help to convince her to quit the CCP.

Who would come to rescue a person who looks at the rescuer with a such cold, indifferent expression? Only a Dafa practitioner. When I was enduring Ms. Li's indifferent attitude, I also saw an ordinary person's blindness and ignorance for not knowing the truth. I felt a responsibility to save her. When my compassion emerged, it dissipated and dissolved the cold, indifferent atmosphere. I was able to ignore her apathetic attitude and use my benevolence to move her. I used the real story of the spread of Dafa to convince her. I also discussed the heavenly principle, that goodness will be rewarded with virtues and that evil will be punished, to save her. I realized that when I expanded my endurance, my compassion grew. My truth clarification effort also become more effective and powerful.

Clarifying the Truth to My Mother and the Older Folks in the Nursing Home

My mother is over 80 years old. Every time I visited her, I clarified the truth to the older people in the nursing home. It was also because of my popularity that what I said was accepted in this nursing home. Under my true, diligent, and intimate care, my mother became the most respected person in this community. It was also due to the other older people's praise that my mother also started to treat me very well. She loved to hear me clarify the truth. Every time I left she said good-bye to me and reminded me to be careful.

Being filial to or taking care of elderly people is not a part of cultivation practice per se, but cultivation practice can reflect and manifest by a cultivator becoming filial and respectful to his or her elders. Our cultivation practice requires conforming maximally to ordinary people's living environment. Not conforming to the current deviated, degenerated behavior, but conforming to true, traditional culture and displaying outstanding behavior. When we exhibit high moral quality and compassionate beauty by good example, we are also explicitly educating people, and passing down the beauty and goodness of Dafa to everyday people.

Everything pertaining to truth clarification contains aspects that we need to cultivate and improve upon. The issues that we seem to be cultivating through are actually not isolated. They encompass numerous other aspects and materials with profound inner meaning, which harmonize together. They manifest in our everyday human environment as xinxing improvement through our everyday words, deeds, and actions.