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Walk a Righteous Path to Validate the Fa Openly and with Dignity

August 19, 2007 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) My attachments such as showing off, fear, and wanting comfort were exposed while I was trying to do the three things. I didn't walk a righteous path and the evil forces exploited my gaps and started relentless harassment and persecution.

My boss knew that I practiced Falun Gong. He used to help me when I was persecuted and I often talked to him about Falun Gong when we were alone. Because of my human notions, I never truly clarified the truth to my boss. I just told him that some practitioners were deputy mayors, bank CEOs, and college professors. I said this to make myself look good, to prove that I wasn't alone, to validate myself, and to feel superior. I also told him practicing Falun Gong would bring blessings, and he agreed.

Because the purpose of my clarifying the truth wasn't pure, the persecutors found me. The police and the security bureau found various excuses to harass me. Every time, I needed my boss to bribe them with cash to settle it. Of course it came out of my pay, and caused my family a great financial burden. This was another form of persecution. I silently agreed with my boss' way of "taking care of such matters" and agreed to the persecution. I didn't walk my path righteously and didn't validate the Fa openly and with dignity.

I readjusted myself after finding my attachment. Th next time I was with my boss alone, I told him the truth about Falun Dafa in detail, about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and the wave of quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). My boss was impressed by what I told him. The next time the police and the bureau of security came to harass me, my boss clarified the truth to them and warned them that they would receive karmic retribution for their bad deeds. He asked the police to rethink about how to do their jobs and not to help the evil CCP. I was quickly promoted to the deputy general manager of the company.

My boss told me a story and it touched me. He used to work as a supervisor in a state company where there was a Falun Gong practitioner. Once a large burner broke down and none of the workers wanted to go into the burner to fix it because it was very dirty. While everyone was finding an excuse not to go inside the burner, this practitioner walked into the burner without saying a word. Several hours later, this practitioner walked out covered in dust and was dehydrated because of the high temperature. My boss was moved, and he recognized the value of having a belief. This practitioner was a supervisor and did what other workers refused to do. By the end of the year, there was an election for "model employee." My boss nominated this practitioner. Because of the persecution of Falun Gong, the higher level leaders severely criticized him, "How could you recommend someone who practices Falun Gong? Isn't this 'raising a satellite and tearing down the red flag (focusing on ability and forgetting about CCP ideology)'?" My boss many times found the leader and reasoned with him, "I don't care what this practitioner believes. The point is he sets a good example at work and does a great job everywhere." This practitioner does things based on the Fa and moved my boss so that he had the right attitude about Falun Gong.

Previously I was demoted and lost a lot of money due to the persecution. I felt embarrassed in front of my family. I clarified the truth to them but with a lot of human notions of trying to fit into their hopes for fame and gain. I told them my suffering would be rewarded. No persecution of righteous belief would ever succeed. Once Falun Gong is redressed, practitioners and their relatives and friends who supported Falun Gong would be greatly blessed. I couldn't validate the beauty of Dafa openly and with dignity and didn't show them my indestructible determination that firmly believed in Dafa. I was bargaining with my family: you give me a good environment to practice and I will repay you a lot more in the future. What was more, I fell into the trap of sentiment, and I didn't treat my family like sentient beings. Because I didn't do well, my family had negative feelings about Dafa and constantly had conflicts with me. I was attached to how my family felt about me and not Dafa. I wasn't saving sentient beings and wasn't acting like a practitioner. I couldn't validate the Fa openly and with dignity in front of them.

I quickly readjusted myself and clarified the truth with righteous thoughts to my family. I talked about the Nine Commentaries and quitting the CCP. My family environment quickly changed. Most of my family now had a good attitude toward Dafa and quit the CCP organizations. Some of them are reading Zhuan Falun now.

I also didn't talk to my colleagues much about Falun Gong after I was demoted. I acted like I was guilty for practicing "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance." In fact, I was scared. I was scared that if my colleagues knew that I didn't give up practicing that they would report me to the police; I was scared of the consequences; I was scared that people would know that I sneaked the Nine Commentaries onto their desks. Not knowing the truth, my colleagues treated me with pity and sympathy like I was someone they helped and rescued. This was totally opposite of what should have been. My impure motivation and my attachments had made me an everyday person.

Teacher said,

"Yet for cultivators, fear or lack thereof proves [one's] humanity or divinity, and it is what differentiates cultivators from ordinary people. It is something that a cultivator must face, and the biggest human attachment that a cultivator must remove." ("Study the Fa Well, and Getting Rid of Attachments is Not Hard", July 20, 2005)

After understanding the Fa principle, I started eliminating various interference and clarified the truth to my colleagues. Gradually, the interference lessened and more and more people quit the CCP. Everyone at work knows practitioners are good people. Most of them read the Nine Commentaries and quit the CCP organizations. The office director not only quit the CCP but also had his friends and family do the same. He promoted the Nine Commentaries wholeheartedly and read Dafa books. When people from the national security bureau contacted me, their attitude changed from ordering me to do something to "Could you take some time to talk to us?" I know they are the sentient beings who need to know the truth and be saved. I will find an opportunity to clarify the truth to them.

Only when we walk a righteous path can we validate the Fa, and only when we validate the Fa can we walk a righteous path and eliminate all evil.