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Solemn Declarations by Dafa Practitioners

August 12, 2007 |  


Solemn Declaration

In the first half year of 2002, I was revealed by a fellow practitioner. Immediately I was illegally arrested by the police. At that time, I did not understand Dafa principles deeply, so I misunderstood that I must tell the truth. Therefore, I acknowledged that I wrote to the county magistrate and secretary to clarify the truth and that I distributed materials. Under evil threats and inducements, I revealed the identity of a fellow practitioner, which caused the practitioner to be persecuted. Later on, police further threatened me to write the three statements. I did not want to write, so the evil asked my relatives and friends to persuade me. Their persuasion, using both hard and soft tactics, hit upon my attachment, so I wrote the "three statements" against my will and said words that were disrespectful to Master. After I came back, I felt very painful and regretful. I sincerely apologized to Master and Dafa. I once knelt in front of Master's image to acknowledge my guilt and vowed that I would firmly go the road Master arranged.

I solemnly declare that the "three statements" I wrote and all the words and deeds that go against Dafa principles and Master are null and void. From now on, I will respect Master and believe the Fa, cultivate diligently, and do the three things well.

Zhang Meifa

March 3, 2007

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2007/7/25/159506.html

Solemn Declaration

On October 1, 2000, I went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. After I came back, evil authorities came to my home to illegally arrest me. I shouted in my heart: "Master saves me." Under Master's protection, I slipped out of the police's hands. Out of fear, I did not immediately return home to hide Dafa books and truth-clarification materials. That evening, they ransacked my home and took most of the Dafa books and materials. In November, 2000, the police issued an arrest warrant on me promising whoever gave info about my whereabouts would be awarded 50,000 yuan plus a promotion and salary increase. I was able to escape. To avoid further persecution, I left home and wandered around. During that period, I clarified the truth to some people. Some of them said to me: "Nowadays, people are really bad. If you tell others [the facts about Falun Gong], they will send you to the police station for sure. Do not tell others." I said thoughtlessly: "OK. I got it."

On June 29, 2004, when I went to a fellow practitioner's home, I was illegally arrested and jailed. The Police asked me to write a "Guarantee to observe the prison regulations: Do not practice Falun Gong. Do not spread Falun Gong." I refused to do so. Later on, under the chief's hypocritical deceit, I agreed with it and said: "That is alright." In 2004, during the period of "obtaining a guarantor to post my bail waiting for trial," I asked my husband to go to the city police station. I gave my finger-print for my husband to take to the station. When the time for "obtaining a guarantor to post my bail waiting for a trial" was due, the city police and national security came to my home and asked me to sign the finished guarantee. I was very fearful. I signed it.

I hereby declare that all my words and deeds that go against Dafa principles are null and void. I will do the "three things" well and totally deny all arrangements by the old force.

Wei Li Li

July 20, 2007
