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Reminding Practitioners in China that the Main Body of Dafa Practitioners Is in China

July 09, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Due to different environments, practitioners outside of China are able to validate the Fa in open and free societies. However, practitioners in China mostly work behind the scenes and the results are not usually obvious. After many years of hard work, everything the practitioners outside of China have done seems to be powerful. As a result, some practitioners in China feel dependent on the "outside" practitioners. Some even think that ending the persecution mainly depends on the efforts of the practitioners outside of China.

In other words, some practitioners have forgotten that the practitioners in China are the main body for validating the Fa and saving Chinese people.

In "Teaching the Fa at the Meeting with Asia-Pacific Students" Teacher said:

"Clarifying the truth all around the world and saving the beings outside Mainland China has helped people everywhere to become aware of the truth and condemn the persecution, and it has cleared away evil. It is the result of Fa-rectification and the concerted efforts of Dafa disciples all over the world. But for the persecution in Mainland China to stop before Fa-rectification arrives, the Dafa disciples in Mainland China would still have to play the main role."

I often think about what Teacher has said about this topic. I also clearly recognize that China is the main battleground between good and evil. The primary responsibility for ending this persecution and saving Chinese people falls on the practitioners in mainland China. Everything the other practitioners are doing is also about validating Fa and saving Chinese people.

Dafa practitioners form one body. The work we do is important regardless of whether one is inside China or outside China. Although we don't know the details of the hardships and efforts of non-mainland China practitioners, my heart is touched whenever I think about them. However, the root of evil is in China, the largest number of practitioners is in China, so it is only reasonable that we, practitioners in China, carry the responsibility for the hardest work.

I would like to remind fellow practitioners to bear in mind that "...the Dafa disciples in Mainland China would still have to play the main role." We must remember this in our thoughts and actions, and to steadfastly continue to do the three things well.

These are my personal understandings. Please point out anything inappropriate.