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"Teacher Will Go With You"

July 07, 2007 |   By Falun Gong practitioner Chun Ping

(Clearwisdom.net) I began practicing Falun Gong in August 1997. However, after the persecution began, overcome with a strong attachment to fear, I had not been able to step out and clarify the truth about Falun Gong to people. Thanks to fellow Falun Gong practitioners' encouragement, I finally stepped out to distribute materials containing important facts about Falun Gong starting in summer 2007. In my first attempt, I did not actually distribute any materials, but simply walked along with a fellow practitioner who did the actual distribution. However, my second experience was unforgettable.

One day before I started making dinner, I thought to myself, "I have studied the Fa, practiced the Falun Gong exercises and sent forth righteous thoughts. The only thing I have not done is clarify the truth about Falun Gong to people." As soon as the thought of clarifying the truth came up, a fellow practitioner invited me to join her in distributing truth-clarification materials after dinner on the streets. I accepted her invitation right away. I then started to feel nervous as soon as I hung up the phone. I tried sending forth righteous thoughts, but it did not help. I didn't have a good time at dinner. Soon it was only five minutes before our rendezvous. I knew I must not keep her waiting, but I sat down again as soon as I stood up. At that very moment, I heard a very kind, amiable voice saying, "Teacher will go with you." I instantly stopped fidgeting. That's right! Teacher will go with me. I started feeling very safe. I didn't think much, and walked calmly out of the door. During the entire trip, I kept sending forth righteous thoughts to eradicate all the evil beings in other dimensions that might interfere with our truth-clarification work. I had the thought of making this trip go smoothly and to have each and every copy of the materials read by kindhearted people. I was not afraid at all, but I did pay careful attention to safety because there were two fellow practitioners with me.

Afterwards, I calmed down and reflected on the trip. When I was alone at home I was overcome with fear. I am certain that I didn't imagine the voice saying, "Teacher will go with you." When I recalled the voice, I could almost put Teacher's smiling face behind the voice. It was as though an older person was looking at his beloved child. I felt so much affection, kindness, patience, reason and calmness in the voice. Words can't describe it. Each time I recall this experience, I feel myself watched by Teacher's smiling eyes. I have eliminated much of my attachment to fear.

Revered Teacher, I have never met you in person, but after this experience, I am certain that you are right next to me as long as I carry the Fa in my heart. Although I still have some attachment to fear, I refuse to acknowledge that it is part of me. The real me has a steadfast faith in Teacher and the Fa and has never doubted the Fa. Fear is an evil element in my field. "Fear" exists precisely because I am studying the righteous Fa and it is afraid of being eliminated. I must eliminate my remaining attachment to fear while continuing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. I shall eliminate my human thoughts and find my true self. Whether I am doing truth-clarification work or everyday work, there are opportunities to eliminate my various attachments and to validate the Fa.

This concludes my limited understanding on this subject. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate in my understanding.