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Ottawa, Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Celebrate Canada Day (Photos)

July 05, 2007 |   By Minghui reporter Ying Zi

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 1, 2007, Falun Gong practitioners from Ottawa celebrated Canada Day at Parliament Hill in front of thousands of people touring the area and enjoying Canada Day festivities. They performed traditional Chinese dance and waist drums.

A traditional Chinese dance

Practitioners also held a "Journey of Fa-Rectification" photo exhibition, demonstrated the exercises, and clarified the facts of the persecution in China to tourists.

Others in attendance welcomed practitioners' waist drum performance. Many of them took photos with practitioners. Ms. Zhi Jing, a member of the waist drum team, said, "The waist drum team in Ottawa was set up not long ago. We haven't had much time to practice, but we tried our best to manifest the beauty of Falun Dafa and traditional Chinese art to the people on Canada Day."

A passerby said that this was real Chinese art. He said he watched the NTDTV New Year Spectacular this year and liked it very much.

Mr. Yang, a computer engineer, said that the Falun Gong group was the only Chinese group to perform at Parliament Hill. Mr. Yong had a chance to shake hands with Prime Minister Harper this day. He said it is hard to imagine shaking hand with the leaders of China, but in Canada it is common, because Canada is a free country. He hopes that some day Chinese people will also have freedom and human rights in China and won't be persecuted because of their righteous belief.