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Walk Out of the Trap Set by the Old Forces to Improve the Cultivation Environment in Singapore

July 24, 2007 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Singapore

(Clearwisdom.net) In late March of this year, a fellow practitioner and I decided to visit a public garden to study the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts, practice the exercises and clarify the truth together with other practitioners. Feeling the necessity to communicate with the police, we went straight to the police station and told the officer that we would be starting our practice at this particular site, a small but centralized garden bustling with passers-by.

We feel the need to step out to validate Dafa even more so now. Especially after interacting with many practitioners, I could feel their sense of pessimism and helplessness in trying to turn the situation around here in Singapore. They had a feeling of being at a loss, and not knowing what best to do next in order to change the perception of people here towards Dafa. Over the years, the problems and troubles we encountered with the government here have had a negative impact on the people here, the worst being last year. Of course all of the troubles were a direct result of interference from Chinese consular officials, but at the same time, this remains a tribulation affecting Dafa practitioners in Singapore as a whole.

I too was caught up in this situation of conflicts, disappointment, frustration, and went into a state of passivity. However, this is exactly what the old forces want - for us to be entrenched in conflict, with the result that we do very little of what we should do in terms of Fa rectification activities to save the people here in Singapore.

Master talks in the Fa about the principle of mutual generation and mutual inhibition. I thought to myself - shouldn't I be clearheaded in suppressing the negative traits that surface in me? Negative traits like arrogance and egocentricity derive from the attachment to fame and selfish benefits. I did a lot of soul searching, tried to dig deep into myself to 'flush out' my vanities, my 'ugliness' and relinquish these attachments. Doing truth clarification is one thing, but cultivating oneself is the most essential aspect and one that I should not overlook. How else can I elevate my realm of thoughts? Suddenly, I realized that I was failing to meet Dafa's requirements.

Fortunately, I've not forgotten that all my capabilities and wisdom are given to me by Dafa, solely to use them in Master's Fa rectification period and to do so wisely. I decided to extricate myself from the trap set by the old forces, the cruel arrangement for Singapore and the practitioners here. I saw through the old forces' tricks in enticing and entrapping us into such a precarious situation. I want to detach myself from all these now and move forward to do more truth-clarification work, and at the same time cultivate myself.

In addition to the new practice site in the public garden, we also started promoting Falun Gong and clarifying the truth one-on-one at another location once a week. Our strategy is simple - before starting our activities, we clarify and talk to the Chairman of the Resident Committee in charge of the intended activity site and the police in charge of that particular precinct. After communicating with the two bodies, we then start our activities. The response has been overwhelmingly good. Many people stop to watch and inquire about us. Some compliment that we are very peaceful in our practice and also show their interest in learning the practice. We take photographs of our activities and see many Falun in the photos, which greatly encourages us.

I believe that only in cohesiveness and by complementing each other well can we do Dafa work successfully and turn the situation around in Singapore. Doing Dafa work is not going through the motions or like a chore, like wanting to show flying colors in our report cards to Master or other Dafa practitioners all over the world. It has to come from our innate sincerity and urgency to save the sentient beings here.

So, let's put all the interference in Singapore behind us and forge ahead with sincerity to save sentient beings with the rationality and wisdom we have obtained from the Fa!