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We Must be Diligent in Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts Together

June 22, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Hebei Province

(Clearwisdom.net) In the last stage of the Fa rectification process, the evil forces are coming to an end. However, currently all over China, including in our area, many Dafa practitioners have been arrested.

We are practitioners in the Fa-rectification process, following the Dafa of the new universe, and we are on the way to perfection by doing the three things arranged by Teacher. Of course, we are thoroughly denying and breaking through the last madness and death struggle of the evil forces. In the past, our area as a group constantly sent forth righteous thoughts and clarified the truth to disclose the local incidents of persecution, but the results were not significant. (we should not, of course, concentrate on the results in this superficial dimension).

Lately, I have looked inward and found that I have not paid enough attention when I send forth righteous thoughts, because I did not totally follow Teacher's requirement:

"You should focus your attention and your effort, your mind has to be absolutely clear and rational, the force of your thoughts needs to be focused and strong, with an air of supremacy and of destroying all evil in the cosmos." ("Righteous Thoughts")

In addition, sometimes I am absent when it comes time to send forth righteous thoughts. Doesn't indifference to sending forth righteous thoughts together an attachment, give the evil forces a chance to survive?

Teacher said,

"...when Dafa disciples around the world send righteous thoughts together at the same time, the power is boundless. So, if each person had been able to handle this matter with very strong righteous thoughts and been doing it very well from the beginning, then perhaps there would be no evil remaining now. It's precisely because many practitioners have been interfered with by one thing or another that it hasn't been done well." ("Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference")

Teacher also pointed out:

"Actually, when you can truly be tranquil, one thought is more than enough to shake Heaven and Earth, there's nothing that it can't do, and it's as if it immediately immobilizes and restrains everything covered by your domain; you're like a mountain, and you instantly restrain them. You shouldn't always have an unsteady mind. You can't achieve that when your mind is unsteady." ("Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference")

I now have a new understanding of sending righteous thoughts. This is the Fa that Teacher taught us to clear up the evil and save sentient beings. For cultivation, believing comes first, understanding comes first, enlightenment to taking Fa as teacher. Only when we believe in Teacher first and steadily go on the way arranged by Teacher can we get everything we are supposed to have. This way, our powerful righteous thoughts help to completely disintegrate the meddling deities. I have even asked myself how much I really believe in Teacher and Fa. I think the act of doing the three things is the demonstration of how strong my righteous thoughts are. If non-compliance becomes popular with Dafa practitioners, it would be a loss for all of us. Only by believing in Teacher and the Fa and by doing everything Teacher asks us to do can we put down "self" and form an indestructible whole body and keep up with the Fa-rectification process.

I understand that the evil forces should not exist, and that the new cosmos does not possess any of their ingredients. We should not miss any chance to send forth our mighty righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil forces. I think we should pay much more attention and be more clear-headed. We cannot allow ourselves to miss any chance to send forth righteous thoughts.