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Ms. Liu Dongxian of Taoyuan County Tortured with Force-Feeding

June 20, 2007 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioner Ms. Liu Dongxian is being held at the Taoyuan County Detention Center in Changde City, Hunan Province. She has been on a hunger strike for over a hundred days to protest her arrest and imprisonment. The guards have responded by force-feeding her every day, traumatizing her so severely that she is near death.

Ms. Liu, 55, is a retired doctor who had worked at the Red Cross Hospital in Taoyuan County, Changde City, Hunan Province. She started practicing Falun Dafa in April 1999. She has followed the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance in her daily life, and she was a well-respected and competent doctor at Red Cross Hospital. After the Chinese Communist Party began persecuting Falun Dafa in 1999, police arrested and detained her on several occasions.

In January 2001, Ms. Liu was sentenced to one-and-a-half years in a forced labor camp. She was held at the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, where she suffered brutal torture. In addition, the authorities arbitrarily extended her sentence by three months.

On August 28, 2006, four men forcibly entered Ms. Liu's home: the heads of the Taoyuan County 610 Office, Zhou Guicheng and Zheng Yunqing, and the heads of the National Security Team, Wen Chengguang and Hu Guanghua. They arrested Ms. Liu and took her to the Taoyuan County Detention Center. Ms. Liu initiated a hunger strike to protest her arrest. In response, the guards tortured her with force-feedings that caused her to vomit blood.

On February 10, 2007, Ms. Liu started a second hunger strike to protest this torture, which has continued for over a hundred days. The guards brutally force-feed her every day, bringing her near the point of death. Her weight has dropped from 143 to 70 pounds. Although her life is in grave danger, the authorities have refused to release her.

Individuals participating in the persecution:
Zhou Guicheng, Taoyuan County 610 Office head: 86-736-6633610, 86-736-6624587 (home), 86-13618412761 (cell)
Zheng Yunqing, Taoyuan County 610 Office head: 86-736-6633610, 86-736-6621482 (home)
Wen Chengguang, National Security Team head: 86-736-6630815, 86-13974217520 (cell)
Hu Guanghua, National Security Team head: 86-736-6630815
Ye Pingzhan, Taoyuan County Detention Center head: 86-736-6630815
Guo Fanqing (female), Taoyuan County Detention Center head: 86-736-6630815, 86-13786626802
Liu Liwu (male), Taoyuan County Prosecutor's Office head: 86-736-6621014
Qin Hongwei (male), Taoyuan County Court head: 86-736-6623413

May 29, 2007