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Rescue All Detained Practitioners and Thoroughly Disintegrate All the Dark Evil Dens

June 19, 2007 |   By a practitioner from Dalian City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) The Fa-rectification has now entered a new phrase. Throughout the country fewer and fewer practitioners are being detained, and the evil factors have been eliminated in large quantities. Practitioners from our area have realized that rescuing all detained fellow practitioners and thoroughly disintegrating the evil forces' dark dens has become a requirement of the Fa-rectification process. We have shared our understanding on this subject with each other and decided that this is something we need to get more practitioners to pay attention to and get involved in. I'm writing this article in hopes that we can all improve our understanding together.

Master cautioned us:

"The closer it gets to the end, the more you cannot let up; the closer it gets to the end, the better you must study the Fa; the closer it gets to the end, the stronger your righteous thoughts must be." ("To the Canada Fa Conference")

During our experience sharing, practitioners mentioned a situation in which several practitioners from various areas were recently arrested. It happened while the evil is being disintegrated, and less and less of it remains, so it has a direct connection to some practitioners' state of pursuing comfort, being numb, and slacking off. We hope the suggestions below can help us all become more diligent and improve together.

Collect personal experiences of fellow practitioners who were detained after July 20, 1999; thoroughly expose the guilty personnel and their evil deeds

Most of the practitioners currently being held have been persecuted numerous times before. There are reports of their persecution accounts on our websites. We can make a brochure for every practitioner and use them as a tool in clarifying the facts to people and rescuing them. The husband of one practitioner couple from our city had become a paraplegic from torture. The husband and wife were fired from their jobs and had no source of income, only because they practice Falun Gong. A fellow practitioner made their personal experiences into a brochure and clarified the facts to people. Later on, officials from the couple's workplace got to know the truth. They reinstated the couple in their positions and paid them all their back salary.

Almost all of the police in our area have persecuted practitioners since 1999. They have closely followed the regime and do not regret their evil deeds at all. According to the situation, we should not only expose their evil behavior, but also their acts of bribery and racketeering. We will also make brochures about them, to expose their crimes and thoroughly publicize their evil deeds.

Our starting point remains to rescue sentient beings, clarify the facts, persuade people to quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations, and improve ourselves in the course of carrying out these rescues

We all had an attachment to results during the previous rescue attempts in our area. We thus got stuck in doing things and were affected by the outcome--whether or not the practitioner was released. When we failed to rescue a practitioner, instead of looking inside we complained that the detained practitioner did not do well himself. Nor did we share realizations with each other afterwards. As a result, the rescues were not quite successful. Right now we all know we should have a correct starting point. If the spouse of the detained practitioner is also a practitioner, we would share our understanding from the Fa's perspective and improve together; if the spouse is a non-practitioner, we have to clarify the facts to them, persuade them to quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations, and try to rectify everything from the perspective of the Fa. At the same time, we meet with a large number of officials from police departments, the procuratorate, and the courts in the rescue process, which is another excellent opportunity to clarify the facts and rescue sentient beings on a large scale.

Pay attention to sending righteous thoughts prior to and during the rescue process

A lot of times we didn't pay attention to sending forth righteous thoughts before we validated the Fa and attempted to rescue sentient beings. As a result, evil factors in other dimensions interfered with us and caused some unnecessary physical and mental damage. If we send forth righteous thoughts beforehand to clean up evil factors in other dimensions, it was easier for us to do things in this surface dimension.

The above is what practitioners in our area have come to realize. We hope fellow practitioners in other areas will supplement our understandings. Let's improve together, become more diligent together, rescue our fellow practitioners on a large scale and thoroughly expose the evil, and rescue sentient beings!

We hope fellow practitioners, especially fellow practitioners from Dalian City, will supplement our limited understandings.

May 31, 2007