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In a Few Words - Experience Sharing Cannot Replace Cultivating

June 16, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) As the saying goes, anything that is overdone tends to deviate. If practitioners exchange experiences too often, it may give rise to an attachment to such sharing or a reliance on sharing to cultivate. Some fellow practitioners, when they encounter problems, the first thing that comes to mind is not to study the Fa calmly, to look inwards with rationality, or to think about what should be done based on the Fa, but to share understandings with other fellow practitioners. They might look for others to talk with about it, listen to others' understandings, and try to make up for the lack of Fa-study with discussion.

Master said, "Without cultivating the heart, no one can make it." ("Practicing Only One Cultivation Way" in Lecture Three of Zhuan Falun)

We all have different cultivation paths, and we cannot cultivate for others. No matter how high of a level fellow practitioners have enlightened to, they can only be used as references for our own cultivation. Sharing experiences or enlightenments cannot replace studying the Fa or genuine cultivation.

Master said, "Right now, one important thing that needs to be attended to is the matter of how to save more sentient beings, ..." ("Fa Teaching at the 2007 New York Fa Conference")

Saving more sentient beings is currently the most important thing that we need to do. Our sharing should mainly be about this matter as well. If one is lacking in Fa-study, they should make it up individually, and they should not consume too much of other fellow practitioners' time and effort. This is my personal understanding.