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Examining Myself After a Fellow Practitioner Passed Away

June 15, 2007 |   By a practitioner in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of March 29, 2007, a very diligent fellow practitioner passed away. For days, I could not achieve a tranquil mind while reading the Fa or doing the exercises. This fellow practitioner had gone through tests of life and death. He was arrested for going to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. While in prison, he refused to take any orders from the prison guards, wear prison clothes, recite prison rules, or watch video footage that defamed Falun Dafa. While in prison, he continued reciting the Fa, doing the exercises, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth. The prison guards could not change him. Several months later, he walked out of prison and came home. Once, he was taken to a brainwashing center, but he walked out in a dignified manner on the second day. His wife passed away as a result of the persecution. To assist Teacher in Fa-rectification and save more people, he contributed all that he could.

Many practitioners, including myself think this fellow practitioner cultivated very well. We admired him, praised him, and even treated him as a model. His death woke me up. Could his death be the result of evil taking advantage of these human mentalities of mine and of other practitioners? It is very dangerous to treat a fellow practitioner with human mentalities. We should take the Fa as our teacher. This practitioner was also a person in cultivation who walked his own cultivation path. We were doing him great harm by admiring him like that. To truly treat fellow practitioners well, we should point out their shortcomings in time. How could we help fellow practitioners while complimenting them all the time? This happened because I did not study the Fa solidly. The cost of this bitter lesson is very high! This fellow practitioner's death makes me realize that cultivation is too serious to be treated carelessly. We must study the Fa and walk the path of cultivation well. I recognize where I fell behind. I will catch up and study the Fa solidly. While doing the three things well, I will do my best to help improve the cultivation environment, make up the loss and cultivate diligently. We should walk the last leg of the journey well and avoid any more damage to Dafa.