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Villagers Indignant After Village Leader Who Practices Falun Gong Is Arrested

May 22, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Wen Guangming, a Falun Gong practitioner from the No. 8 Team of Yangjiahe Village, Tuzhu Town, Zhong District, Leshan City, Sichuan Province, was taken into custody by two police officers from the Zhong District Police Department and the director of Tuzhu Town Police Station on April 30, 2007. His property was confiscated, as well.

Mr. Wen has been the team leader for three terms in a row, and is revered by the villagers. He was illegally arrested for practicing Falun Gong. In order to bring this issue to light, the villagers sent a letter to the Minghui/Clearwisdom website expressing their indignation. The following is the content of the letter:

Mr. Wen Guangming is a democratically elected chief supported by 100% of the votes for three consecutive terms. During that period, he constructed two bridges and built rural roads leading to each household. He has also accumulated over 70,000 yuan for the team. He was illegally taken into custody due to practicing Falun Gong and for being a good person. We, the villagers of the No. 8 Team, strongly request the related departments to release Mr. Wen.

Farmers in No. 8 Team, Yangjiahe Village

May 4, 2007