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Shijiazhuang City Falun Dafa Practitioners Discuss Wang Bo's Case

May 20, 2007 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Shijiazhuang City

(Clearwisdom.net) Wang Bo's family has gone through a lot. After they were illegally arrested, tried and sentenced, other family members then convinced lawyers to submit a not-guilty plea upon appeal, where six upright lawyers made a defense of "freedom of belief is guaranteed by the Constitution." This has been an intricate process that has involved many Dafa disciples' participation and cooperation.

We would like to share some of the issues we discussed locally regarding this case.

1. Master and Dafa Gives Dafa Practitioners Everything. We Should Validate the Fa, Not Validate Ourselves

No matter what Dafa practitioners do, we should always think from Master and Dafa's standpoint. Everything we do should harmonize the Fa and harmonize what Master has required during the Fa-rectification.

This event's reaching the current state is not due to us having such great power. It is because we have been in accord with Dafa and safeguarding Dafa. When we are rescuing our fellow practitioners, we are clarifying the truth and offering sentient beings salvation and eliminating evil entities and factors. This is because we are doing things according to Dafa.

Master arranged everything for us in this process and has protected us. We had hope for a good outcome. Master then arranged everything for us - arranged the lawyers, arranged the postponement of the case to give us ample time, arranged different factors to make the retrial happen, arranged the necessary information we needed, arranged Dafa practitioners as one body. Master ensured our safety and everything else in this process.

Therefore, we should clearly understand that this is the compassion of Master and Dafa. This is the power of Dafa. Although it is we who are cultivating and participating in Fa-rectification, it is actually Master who does everything. Master always stands behind us. Our great, compassionate Master has given us the glory of achievement.

If we could recognize all these factors we would not have felt how great or how powerful we are. We would not have complimented others, "You are so awesome. It was all because of you!" We would not have been smug or boasted how our area is doing very well with this matter.

While cultivating, no matter what we do, we should always examine whether or not we think about issues from the standpoint of Dafa, whether or not we are harmonizing the Fa and whether or not what we do is what Dafa needs or requires.

This way we will not get off track, and what we do will function properly. However, we should clearly realize that any achievement belongs to Master and Dafa. It is Dafa and Master who created us and accomplished this. Dafa practitioners should be grateful to Master and Dafa. In Dafa we should always be humble.

In Dafa we are validating the Fa, not validating ourselves.

2. We are Harmonizing the Fa, not Harmonizing Human Beings

Dafa practitioners should treat each other with compassion. We should cooperate well with one another and coordinate our efforts well. We should encourage one another, so we can improve as one body. This is Dafa practitioners' state, and what we should be doing.

However, when coordinating a project with one another, we should analyze the issues in detail instead of concentrating on a specific person because what we harmonize is the Fa, not a certain human being. When these considerations and thoughts are in accord with the requirements of Dafa, we are then cooperating and are coordinated, supplementing each other's efforts and harmonizing as one body.

We kindly point out the loopholes and things that are not in accord with Dafa. We are not against any individuals or any group of individuals. Indeed, Dafa practitioners should take the initiative to make harmonious and augment the not-so-perfect areas. We should not delay validating the Fa due to some insignificant issues. But, wouldn't things go smoother the less attachments we have? While cooperating with one another, personal attachments impact the whole body.

3. The Difference between Personal Cultivation and Fa-rectification Cultivation

Although many fellow practitioners participate in Fa group-study, they cannot eliminate their attachments. Hence they stay at a certain level for a long time. When facing conflicts they think: this is for me to improve, this is a test. I have to do well. But sometimes it is very hard to maintain their xinxing. For example, dealing with a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law relationship in the family is always a challenge. Arguments and troubles never end.

During the Fa-rectification period, practitioners' improvement and consummation are still the most important. However, such improvement and consummation is not solely for ourselves. Dafa practitioners carry important missions and responsibilities during the Fa-rectification period.

Our personal improvement is the foundation for us doing the three things well. Without this foundation we would be unable to do the three things well that Dafa practitioners should be doing.

Therefore, we should truly integrate our personal improvement into validating the Fa. Our views should be broader. Any trouble or interference, on the one hand, is caused by our xinxing problems; and on the other hand, it prevents us from continuing to improve, doing the three things well and assisting Master in Fa-rectification. Isn't the broader issue as one body caused by the trouble and interference holding up the advancement of Fa-rectification?

When we integrate our own improvement into the overall Fa-rectification and Dafa, we seriously deal with any trouble and interference with our righteous thoughts. We would not think some are small problems and we can make progress slowly and gradually. We would not feel that the difficulties are hard to overcome.

4. The Three Realms and Human Society Exist for Fa-rectification

All human beings and things in the Three Realms were created by Dafa and exist for Dafa and Dafa practitioners to validate the sacred and great Dafa.

Our Fa-rectification cultivation is impacting human society. We are accumulating all the righteous factors and eliminating the negative factors that interfere with and harm Fa-rectification. In the human world, supportive or opposing attitudes determine an entity's ascension or elimination.

Dafa's power determines everything, but our behavior and actions also have a great effect on human beings.

Fa-rectification relies on us, not ordinary human beings. We are awakening human beings' Buddha nature and compassionate thoughts. We are taking human beings back to the path that is in accord with Dafa's requirements. We are rescuing sentient beings with Dafa's guidance.

Dafa practitioners should focus on the process instead of relying on results. The process is one during which the Fa-rectification manifests in the human world, Dafa practitioners improve themselves in cultivation, evil factors are eliminated, Dafa practitioners expound the truth, offer salvation to sentient beings, and validate and safeguard Dafa. Our efforts reflect the results.

Therefore, while validating the Fa, it is Dafa practitioners who are taking the leading role. Whether it is lawyers or senators, after we tell them the facts about Dafa, it is so they will harmonize what Dafa practitioners want to do and what Dafa needs to achieve. The successful end results are due to Dafa's power.

Although many people who help and support us felt they did great, from the perspective of the universe's Fa-rectification standpoint, Dafa practitioners should know we have Master and Dafa as our guides. We know what we are doing, and we have our principles.

5. Behind the Attachment of Smugness is the Attachment of Pursuit

Some fellow practitioners exhibited smugness during the process of this lawsuit. They felt happy about the result and the progress. They admired the lawyers who helped us and thought they were great and worthy.

As soon as practitioners' thoughts deviated from the Fa, their human notions would surface. The achievement is rooted in Dafa. We should think about things from the Fa perspective.

If there is good progress we are happy and delighted. Then, if the progress is less than desirable, should we be sad and upset? Aren't we pursuing a result that is in accord with our wishes?

We should not be attached to pursuit when doing things to validate the Fa. No matter what happens, we should always follow what Dafa requires us to do and eliminate the attachment of pursuit and doing things.

The lawyers' actions and conduct are the result of Dafa practitioners clarifying the truth. There are several factors that determine how much they can do and how high their mental capability can ascend:

First, all lives in this world came for the Fa. We all belong to Master. The lawyers are also lives that are here for Dafa. They are the same as the other lives. Second, everything is arranged by Master and Dafa. Why did some other lawyers we reached out to refuse our request? (Of course, part of the reason was because we didn't completely clarify the truth to them). Third, this is a result of Dafa practitioners' pushing things forward. It is a result of our clarifying the truth (In fact, we feel that a huge gap still exists until we completely express the truth.)

We are cheering, applauding and supporting these lawyers who were brave enough to speak for Dafa practitioners after they became aware of the truth. We are delighted for their bright future.

But we should not become smug! We should not rely on anybody else. We should feel the boundless power of Dafa and walk well the path ahead of us.

6. Putting the Fa first; Eliminate the Attachments to Self and Other Human Notions

Some fellow practitioners feel that they are strong in certain areas. Some practitioners also talk about who is good at doing what.

Every Dafa practitioner is different. Everyone has different skills and areas they are good at. All of these will function effectively when validating the Fa. When we sometimes look at the combinations of different practitioners working on projects it is truly amazing. It is a combination of strong and soft. They complement one another very well and things would not work without any of them.

However, Dafa practitioners should not generate any human notions or attachments of validating the self, such as, "I am good in this area. It is a good fit for me to do this. He is good at something else; it is a better fit for him to do that." We should break though the human notion of obstacles. As long as it is the arrangement of Master and Dafa, no matter where we are placed, even if we feel we cannot do it, if we are determined to do it, we will be able to get it done.

We certainly cannot go to extremes. For example, if I don't have a musical background but I see the four singers in the Divine Performing Arts performing so well and rescuing so many sentient beings, and then I wanted to go this route as well -- this would be unrealistic.

We need to break through our own perceptions of ourselves. The other day a fellow practitioners asked me to write an article on a particular topic. My initial reaction was that I couldn't do it due to some limitations I had, whereas if he had asked about a different topic, I would have jumped at the chance. All of us should look at what is right for the Fa, rather than what we feel comfortable doing ourselves.

7. Taking the Initiative to Carry One's Own Responsibilities

One practitioner stated during an experience sharing that we cannot push away practitioners who are seeking our help; we cannot say that we do not have the capability or energy. We should help them without any conditions.

Validating the Fa is not one person's business or several people's business. It needs all of our efforts. For certain projects there are often not enough practitioners participating. They are busy and tired. There are too many things to do. But the practitioners only have so much time and energy.

What do we do then? Practitioners in the Shijiazhuang area directly participating in or organizing projects are few. What the majority of practitioners have done at many materials production sites are mainly focusing on things such as making and distributing materials, urging people to quit the CCP or sending forth righteous thoughts when receiving notifications from the Minghui/Clearwisdom website.

However, few practitioners would proactively produce other informational materials that are not available on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website if they are not told to do so. Everyone seems to wait for others to organize or coordinate the projects. There are very few practitioners taking the initiative to start coordinating among the local practitioners.

The practitioners in Beijing suggested viewing Wang Bo's case from a broader perspective. We can take this opportunity to open a door to clarify the truth to the entire Chinese legal community or the entire legal system. It is very meaningful to start focusing in this area.

But as soon as this started, it appeared that more practitioners need to be involved.

We need to have better thinking and approaches. We need better materials. We need to divide up the work and coordinate with one another. We need coordinators. We need to send forth righteous thoughts. We need feedback and improvement.

We still face challenges in different areas. At present, in saving more sentient beings and more broadly clarifying the truth, it is very critical for more practitioners to be involved, taking the lead and coordinating.

Studying Master's new lectures, we can feel the rapid advancement of Fa-rectification. We are all eager to follow what Master asks us to do. The critical issues are: how do we do it? Where do we start? How can we do better?

We suggest that every Dafa materials production site or Fa study group discuss this issue so we can break through the state of simply following the prescribed order and enter into a new Fa-rectification state. This way, we will be able to clarify the truth to Chinese people more actively, broadly and professionally, to save more sentient beings.

Please point out anything inappropriate.