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Australia Newspaper Runs Article on Falun Gong Practitioners' Suffering on Mother's Day

May 19, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The second Sunday of each May is Mother's Day, an important holiday for Australians. On Mother's Day of this year, Australian community newspaper The Manly Daily published an article describing the situation of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zeng Aihua, who was illegally sentenced to three years in prison in Shanghai and is currently detained in Shanghai's Women's Prison. The article also discussed the anguish her daughter Doris, a resident of Sydney, felt.

The article's title is "Anguish Over Woman's Jailed Mum." The article said that Doris has not spoken to her mother in a year. Her mother Zeng Aihua is now languishing in a Shanghai prison. Doris said, "I so much want to send a Mother's Day gift but I do not think my mother will be allowed anything." Despite sending more than 20 letters to her mother in the past year, Doris said her mother had received just one postcard from her and four letters from other family members.

The article said that Zeng Aihua was sentenced to three years of imprisonment in February for publishing Falun Gong materials. Her family only found out she had lost her appeal when they received their first letter from her on April 20. She has since been transferred to a prison to begin her sentence. It is three hours by bus from her nearest relative, her 70-year-old sister.

The article said that ordinary prisoners are allowed one visit of 20 minutes per month, but Zeng Aihua is not allowed any visitors because she is a Falun Gong practitioner. Doris said, "We don't know how she is really doing in prison."

The Manly Daily is an influential newspaper in the Sydney area. Since last May, the newspaper has run a series of reports on the persecution of Zeng Aihua.