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More Information About the Death of Practitioner Ms. Liu Juhua from Yuping County, Guizhou Province

May 15, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Officers from the Yuping County Police Department in Tongren Prefecture, Guizhou Province and the Dalong Police Station of Dalong Township conducted a joint arrest of Falun Dafa practitioners in late 2006. Practitioner Ms. Liu Juhua died as a result of being tortured. The following is more information about her death.

At around 4 p.m. on January 2, 2007, Peng Changping, head of the Dalong Township 610 Office, and deputy head of the Dalong Township Police Station, collaborated with policemen from the County Police Department and a number of officials from the township government. They formed two groups and went to the homes of Falun Dafa practitioners. They entered the homes of Jiang Biyu and Liu Juhua and ransacked both homes, then dragged these two practitioners out of their respective homes.

The practitioners were illegally arrested and taken to the Pingxi Police Station of Yuping County. After Peng Changping talked secretly with Yang Bo, they separated these two practitioners. The police brought Ms. Liu Juhua to the detention center, where they interrogated and tortured her until she died. The following morning, officials Peng Changping and Yang Bo notified Ms. Liu's family and lied to them, saying that Liu Juhua had committed suicide by jumping from a tall building. They threatened the family members and told them to cremate the remains and not to make it public. The authorities said that if the family did as they were instructed, they would receive compensation of more than 80,000 yuan (about 10,000 US dollars). However, if they failed to follow those instructions, they would not receive any compensation and the ashes could not be buried until the end of February 2007.

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