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Belgium: The People of Eeklo Show Warm Support for Falun Gong (Photos)

May 15, 2007 |   By a Belgian practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On Saturday afternoon, May 5th, 2007, at the 175th anniversary of the founding of Onze Lieve Vrouw ten Doorn College, Falun Gong practitioners introduced the practice to the many visitors who came to the celebration.

The Mayor of Eeklo Mr. Loete (second from right) is very interested in the Falun Gong exercises

People listen to a Falun Gong practitioner explaining the background to the persecution

Many people took Falun Gong leaflets

A demonstration of the Falun Gong exercises on the grass was both tranquil and peaceful

Many people came to learn the Falun Gong exercises

Onze Lieve Vrouw ten Doorn College was founded in 1830; it is a school with 3,000 students. At least twenty-five groups took part in the anniversary celebration. Teachers, students and their relatives, as well as residents living nearby, joined the celebration activities.

A variety of performances were held, including classical singing, folk music, modern music and jazz. As one performance ended, another began; the whole program was very lively and unusual. People danced on the new huge stage, entertained and happy.

The Falun Gong group was set up on the college's green lawn. Their area was very eye-catching, with a golden banner reading, "FALUN DAFA." The five Falun Gong exercises were shown on a large TV screen. Practitioners distributed informational leaflets.

People asked for materials and inquired about where they could learn the exercises. One woman said, "I know Qigong, I have learned Taiji, Yujia and so on, but I still could not get the results I wanted. Falun Gong looks very simple, but I can feel that it is very good. There were so many people and they were very quiet, indeed really peaceful. I must learn Falun Gong."

A couple asked about where they could learn Falun Gong. Another woman asked whether she could learn the exercises in the city. A man was very eager to know how he could get more information about the persecution of Falun Gong. The practitioners answered all of their questions.

Lively children were excited and running around, and there were always some children standing behind the Falun Gong practitioners demonstrating the exercises and copying their movements.

The Mayor of Eeklo and city officials also joined this activity. Mayor Koen Loete and his colleagues expressed interest after watching the exercise demonstration. He asked questions such as, "How does Falun Gong make people healthy? How long does it to take to do such beautiful and peaceful exercises?" After hearing that he could manage his time according to his own situation, he smiled and said with confidence, "I could relax within one hour and a half." The mayor was very shocked by the cruel persecution of Falun Gong and said, "It will end, such a brutal regime cannot go on treating its own people like this!" Mayor Loete was very cordial and asked the practitioners to teach the exercises in city hall.

Until nine o' clock in the evening, on the college's green lawn one could see Falun Gong practitioners teaching students the exercises in the twilight.

