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Police From the Fengtai District 610 Office in Beijing Arrest Liu Yonghui, His Wife and His Mother

May 15, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 24, 2007, policemen from the Fengtai District in Beijing arrested Mr. Liu Yonghui and his wife, Ms. Zhai Huiling, while he was working.

At around 2:00 p.m. on April 24, a group of police officers took Mr. Liu to his home. His mother, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Tiezhen, refused to open the door, so the officers broke in and ransacked his home. Afterwards, they took him away. His mother, and his mother-in-law, who lives in another city and had come to visit them, and his and his wife's baby, who is less than two years old were left at home.

Two days later on April 26, the police returned to arrest Ms. Yang Tiezhen. The baby was left in the care of Mr. Liu's mother-in-law. She lives in another city and is more than 70 years old. In addition, she has to take care of her mother, who is over 90. She had been preparing to go back home. After this incident, however, she had to reconsider. The baby's health is also not good. With few other options, Mr. Liu's mother-in-law asked her husband to come help her out.

The old couple took their granddaughter with them to Dong'gaodi Street Office to appeal. After listening to what the old couple had to say, the officials said, "Please take care of the child."

Practitioner Liu Yonghui works for the 508th Department of the 5th Bureau of the China Academy of Space Technology. He was sent to brainwashing centers many times over the past few years. Practitioner Ms. Zhai Huiling is a doctor at Fangzhuang Hospital in the Fengtai District. She was sent to Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp a few years ago.

These arrests were directly arranged by officials with the Fengtai District Police Station. Currently, details of their condition are still unknown.

Director of the 610 Office in the Fengtai District, Ms. Bao Kun: 86-13311397725 (Cell)

Dong'gaodi Street Office in the Fengtai District: 86-10-67991707, 86-10-68384112, Fax: 86-10-88535642
Dong'gaodi Police Station: 86-10-67991568, 86-10-68383737

610 Office: 86-10-88531346
Director of the Armed Forces Department Tian Guiling, the main organizer: 86-10-68380426

Party secretary of Street Work Committee Chen Jian: 86-10-88521611
Deputy party secretary of the Street Work Committee and director of the Street Office, Lian Yu: 86-10-68769373