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Practitioner Ms. Wang Hongyu Disabled from Torture and Sentenced to Five Years in Prison in Longkou City, Shandong Province (Photo)

May 12, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 22, 2007, officers from Longkou City, Shandong Province sentenced Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Hongyu, who was disabled from torture and still wearing a protective cast on her leg, to five years in prison. She was taken to Jinan Prison.

Ms. Wang Hongyu and her son before arrest

On October 13, 2006, Ms. Wang was arrested by plainclothes police officers from Beimazhen Police Station when she was clarifying the truth at the local farmers' market. Her home was ransacked, and she was detained at the Zhangjiagou Detention Center in Longkou City.

At the detention center, Ms. Wang was brutally beaten because she continued to clarify the truth and resist the unreasonable demands of the guards. Her leg had been disabled from previous torture and its condition worsened. Ms. Wang attempted several hunger strikes to protest the torture and was brutally force-fed.

Ms. Wang's mother, who is over 60 years old, went to various divisions of the Zhangjiagou Detention Center and the Police Department to tell them that her daughter had become disabled from the torture, and that the cast on her leg had not been removed. Ms. Wang wanted to have her cast taken off, but none of the officials would take responsibility for it. Officer Wang Qi from Longkou City only allowed Ms. Wang's mother to see her until April 11, 2007. After that, Ms. Wang was illegally sentenced to five years in prison and transferred to Jinan Prison.

May 3, 2007