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How I Became a Falun Dafa Practitioner

April 27, 2007 |   By a Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) My grandparents were both members of the so-called "Underground Party" (Chinese Communist Party) during China's war with Japan in the 1940's. My grandfather adopted my father, who was an orphan. I was born into a society controlled by the gangsters of the evil Communist regime, and grew up in the shadow of the blood-red flag. I was admitted as a member of the Communist Youth League in elementary school, and became a member of the Communist Party in middle school. I'd do whatever the evil party asked me to. In 1997 I was unemployed, and then I began working at my own business. I broke the law and was sentenced to prison for three years.

While in prison I came to know a Falun Dafa practitioner. I was able to understand the truth about Falun Dafa, which enabled me to completely awaken and step onto the path to return to my true home. As for what I did in the past, I feel deeply regretful and ashamed. I was fooled by the Communist regime's deceitful education, which made me imprudent and irrational. After I read the "Nine Commentaries on Communist Party" and Disintegrate the Culture of the Communist Party, I began to understand what the Communist Party really is, realizing how sad and ridiculous it was to swear a solemn oath to it, pledging my life to such a devilish party.

People of the world, please don't miss your chance to wake up. The demise of the Communist Party is only a matter of time, and afterwards nobody will believe in communism any more. This is my experience. In prison I saw with my own eyes how Falun Gong practitioners are inhumanely tortured. Their mouths are taped and their bodies roped and tied. They are beaten, kicked, shocked with electric batons, forbidden from speaking, forced to go shoe-less on icy concrete floors in winter, and given meager food. Where I was, groups of three inmates tightly monitored each practitioner. Some practitioners went on hunger strikes to protest the persecution, but they were force-fed with corn flour mixed with concentrated salt solution. If I hadn't been to prison and seen this kind of torture with my own eyes, with my mind clouded with the party-culture, I wouldn't have believed it if you told me. I always thought that the Party was right in every respect. I even believed that in the past prisoners of war had been humanely treated in their "transformation" and even more so the peaceful Dafa practitioners, who believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance." But I tell you that I really did witness these things in the prison. I saw the horrible torture with my own eyes and heard the screams with my own ears.

People, please come to your senses immediately! Falun Dafa is our only hope. Dafa has educated me and helped me realize my guilt. Had I not begun practicing Dafa, I would have appealed after leaving prison, and if I didn't get redress, I would've kept on fighting to the end. Failing that I would've made the life of the one who sent me to court more miserable than death. When a person has no fear of death, what else would he care about? Dafa has saved my life and showed me how to face life with a broad mind, as well as teaching me dedication to work and diligent learning. I have found the real purpose of life!

April 14, 2007