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A Miracle of Falun Dafa Encourages Us to Be More Diligent

April 27, 2007 |   By Falun Dafa Practitioner Xiao Qiong

(Clearwisdom.net) I became a Falun Dafa practitioner in 2005 as a result of my parents' encouragement. Because of my attachments and omissions, I was reported to the police while clarifying the truth and persuading people to quit the three Communist organizations. The Party leaders at my work unit tried to force me to write a guarantee statement, but I refused and was forced to quit my job.

I told my boyfriend, who was not opposed when I started practicing, about the incident. After I clarified the truth to him and we watched the VCD together he wholeheartedly supported Falun Dafa. He supported me cultivating, and he comforted me when I lost my job. He also decided he wanted to learn the exercises, and our whole family was very happy. He is very kind. He told me that he recognized Falun Gong's goodness, and that after he learned the practice, he would teach his parents. This kind of person is rare, and he is most certainly a predestined person.

Not long afterwards he came to our house for dinner. He went to the storage room to get a table. I was startled when I opened the door and the light was on! The storage room light was not hooked up with electricity; the light had never been used. I thought that perhaps the building management had connected all the lines because of the new year. My boyfriend asked me, "Why don't you folks turn off the light?" I thought I was seeing things, and I pulled the string to the switch and the light turned off. I pulled the string again and the light turned on again. After a while, the light turned off automatically. When I pulled the string again, the light remained off.

I ran to tell my father and he said it was the miracle of Falun Dafa. He said, "It is Teacher encouraging you to do even better, and is also a hint for your boyfriend to make him believe in the existence of gods and to encourage him to follow through with teaching his parents. This is very precious."

The next day, we went to the storage room to investigate the situation some more and, indeed, the power line was not connected. My boyfriend and I were very happy. Since then, he went on the Internet to read Zhuan Falun.

Thank you Teacher for your great mercy!

April 10, 2007