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Paralyzed Man Walks Again After Practicing Falun Dafa

April 23, 2007 |   By a practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) It was the fall of 1998, and my husband had been paralyzed for several years, but he walked out the front door and walked around the grain yard for the first time. The neighbors were stunned when they saw him able to walk. They said, "What a miracle to see someone on the verge of death, being able to walk!"

My husband suffered from severe cramping in his right leg in 1994. He was treated by both Eastern and Western physicians to no avail. He was diagnosed with lumbar hyperplasia at the hospital. We borrowed money to pay for his operation. He returned home, but the lumbar hyperplasia recurred and he suffered excruciating pain. I tried to find a good hospital with good doctors since my husband is the bread winner.

My husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor at a neurological specialty hospital in 1995. The tumor was compressing a nerve and the surgery cost twenty thousand yuan. The surgery was a success and everyone was happy for him. To our surprise, his ailment came back even worse than before. His entire body was cramping. I had to spray cold water all over his body. He slept on a cool mat. I put cold towels on his head and hands and changed them every few minutes as needed. I carried him to bed every night.

We are basically farmers and I needed to do the field work during the day. I had to do everything inside and outside of the home. I was very gentle and kind to my husband. I comforted him and gave him a lot of emotional support, but I wept alone. I saw happiness in other families over the holidays, but only misery in ours. Slowly, my husband lost hope that he would ever get better and gave me his will to keep in a secure place. Two years later, my husband had a CAT scan and the hospital indicated that my husband's surgery went fine, but the other conditions resulted from the surgery. There was nothing more that could be done.

A friend of my husband's came to visit us and tell us about a very good cultivation system called "Falun Gong," in June of 1998. His wife was practicing it and reading the book, Zhuan Falun. He loaned us the book to read. He brought the book two days later. My husband read it during the day and I read it at night. That's how we both started practicing. A few days later my husband was feeling much better and read dozens of pages a day. He said, "This book is miraculous. I was so sick and couldn't even read a few pages a day and now I can read dozens of pages." The more he read, the more he enjoyed it.

After reading Master's precious book, the puzzles in our hearts disappeared. For decades, we were like little boats lost on the ocean. Now our compassionate Master has taught Dafa to guide us in the right direction. We cannot express the extent of the gratitude in our hearts. My husband has been bedridden for many years. At first, he could only read the Fa, but could not do the exercises. Slowly, he could move his left hand, then he could sit up and finally stand up. First for only one minute, then two minutes, then five minutes and finally for half an hour. He could even go to the restroom without help and finally he could walk by himself!

During the cold winter, my husband often woke up with his clothes soaking wet. He did not know why and later realized that it was Master cleansing his body. My husband persisted in practicing and continued to get better and better. A few months later, he attended a Fa conference and shared his experience.

I also had many ailments such as headaches, kidney problems, heart problems, a stomach ulcer and many others. I needed medications and injections just to survive. All that cost me a lot of money and yet my ailments were not cured. All my ailments disappeared through cultivation. I gained a little weight and more energy. I had many tribulations, the most serious one was that I could not eat for more than ten days. At that time, I had a fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain. I awoke to my whole body perspiring. My son wanted to get me a doctor, but I said, "Master will take care of me and your father is here. So, I should be fine." In about two weeks, I was totally fine.

In 1999, the Communist Regime started its full-scale persecution. The tribulations from brainwashing classes and harassment at home were difficult. We truly believed in Dafa and Master and we have not given up our cultivation or doing the three things. We also know what we have done is far from meeting the requirements of Dafa and we deeply regret that. We need to move forward diligently and catch up with the progress of Fa-rectification.

Here, we just want to thank Master for saving our lives. We hope that people in this world learn the truth, quit the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations for their own good and safety.